Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

I believe this was the longest round yet (as far as clues are concerned):
Clue the First: The first friday of June, the 2015th year of our lord, or perhaps it was the following Monday.

- The 5th and 8th June - Release dates for "Drones" by Muse, containing a song called Aftermath.

Clue O' th'Two:
The 19th letter of the modern English alphabet.

- The Letter S. After the word "Math" comes a letter "S" (apologies Americans)

Word the third:
Captain John. H. Miller having trouble eating a pencil.

- Saving Private Ryan, Tom Hanks
- Tom Hanks = Toy Story
- Pencil = "Toys of Death are spitting lead"

Clue the Fourth:
The final scene of Monty Python's "Life of Brian".

- "Always look on the Bright Side of life", played in The aftermath of a Maiden concert.

Clue the Fifth:
Less tanks for Germany, says The Tiger.

- Treaty of Versailles, in The aftermath of WWI, which the song is supposedly about.

6, just 6, The Number of the Clue:
The square root of 36.

- The song is about 6 minutes long and is the 6th track on the X Factor.

Clue the Seventh:
An exothermic reaction.

Gives off heat. Blaze (ie. Fire) sings on the song.

Clue the Eighth:
For the majority, a Bassoon, however with a little more of clue #2.

- Bassoon with an S, ie. Sassoon, the war poet from whom Blaze took inspiration for the song.

Clue the Ninth: He might be a doctor, but that ain't no phD.

- Dr Dre, who isn't an actual doctor, has a lable called "Aftermath Entertainment".

Clue the Tenth:
Eddie's posterior

- A live version appears on "Best of the B sides" which has Eddie's backside on the cover.

Clue the Eleventh:
A deep emotional connection, not always evidenced

Blaze says he connects very deeply with the song, but doesn't perform it live often.

Clue the Twelfth:
I am going to enjoy explaining all these clues later...

... in the aftermath of this particular installment of "Guess the Song".

Clue the Thirteenth:
Judgement of Heaven, but not, because that would be way too easy you bunch of jokers.

- Judgement of Heaven occurs in the aftermath of the aftermath.

Clue the Fourteenth: The art of proofreading one's work.

- Something you are highly advised to do After doing Math(s)

Clue the Fifteenth:
A Matter of A Matter of Life and Death.

- Written about war, a recurring matter in AMOLAD.

Clue the Sixteenth:
His wrath is seldom remembered.

- Dre again, doing what Dre does best and complaining that everyone has forgotten about him. He states in " I need a doctor": "You about to feel the hecking wrath of aftermath, gentlemen.

Clue the Seventeenth:
Non - automatic but without the A.

- Non automatic = Gears.
- - A = Gers, songwriting credit for Janick.

Clue the Eighteenth:
The beginnings of a big ol' veg patch.

- big veg patch needs a plough -
"Once a ploughman hitched his team.."

Clue the Nineteenth: The revisiting of Tom Riddle's Diary, in that popular film and book series.

- The diary was written in by harry, much like this song is written by 'arry.

Clue the Twentieth: Truly I am almost all out of ideas... much like the subject this song is about!

-Lots of questions are asked in the songs, the soldiers having doubts about their objective and purpose in the field.

Clue the Twenty-first:
The usurper is usurped himself...

- Wrathchild usually takes over songs, but Wrathchild was in fact dropped on the same date upon which The Aftermath was dealt it's terminal drop.

Clue the Twenty-Second: Genuinely is a song written by Iron Maiden folks...

- If you can't work out this one then I'm afraid you are on the wrong forum.

Clue the Twenty-Third:
Supposedly a flower, but not one I'd advise you plant up the garden.

- "barbed wire bloom". Flowers bloom, however barbed wire would look mightily out of place amidst the Tulips and Daffodils.

Clue the Twenty-Fourth:
A Hot Dog that just won't quit.

- Mustard accompanies a hotdog on occasion. A dodgy one may lead to some "Mustard Gas".

Clue the Twenty-Fifth:
Well Hello Bruce!

- The Aftermath of Blaze's era with Maiden was the return of Bruce...

Clue the Twenty-Sixth: Surely not you too?

- ... And Adrian.

Clue the Twenty-Seventh:
Equine Doomsday clock.

- In 2 Minutes to Midnight, about the Doomsday clock, there is a lyric "We oil the jaws of the war Machine". In The Aftermath, there is a similar lyric, "War Horse and War Machine".

Clue the Twenty-Eighth:
666, Infinite Dreams.

- Songs about dreams, written in smaller font - "his little dream".

Clue the Twenty-Ninth:
A boring old draw...

- "Left feeling no one has won".

Clue the Thirtieth:

- There are lots of questions in the song.

Clue the Thirty-First:
The current Millennium.

- It's that D-R-E again, stating in "2001" "This is the Millennium of Aftermath."

Clue the Thirty-Second: Clue the Ninth,
Clue the Sixteenth
and Clue the Thirty-First are linked.

- Dre.

Clue the Thirty-Third:
The Human anatomy

- "Bodies arms and legs are strewn"

Clue the Thirty-Fourth:
Chords in a notebook.

- A picture in Blaze's notebook of his Grandfather struck a chord with him inspiring him to subject of the song.

Clue the Thirty-Fifth:
A tale of repercussions.

- The "Repercussions" of an event are similar to the "Aftermath".

Clue the Thirty-Sixth:
Alas, not performed by Paul.

- Though indeed never performed by Dianno, it was also never performed by Bruce, first name Paul.

Clue the Thirty-Seventh:
Don't get too caught up with Clue the Tenth.

"The Aftermath" did actually appear on an album, but you could be thrown off into thinking of B sides only.

Clue the Thirty-Eighth:
This has gone on much longer than expected....

...Much like WW1, which the song is about.

Clue the Thirty-Ninth:
They told us it would happen around new year....

WW1 was supposed to end by Christmas. By that logic the aftermath of WW1 would begin around the new year.

Clue the Fortieth:
A quadratic with a coefficient of more than 1.

- You factorise quadratics and use X in algebra. With a coefficient of x greater than 1 you may have to factorise x. Or find the X Factor.

Clue the Forty-First:
Appeared on a studio album.

- The non- B side point needed reiterating at this point in the game.

Clue the Forty-Second:
Mail, and Einstein.

- Mail = Post. Einstein = Maths. Post Maths. After math.

Clue the Forty-Third:
Si, Cow.

- Simon Cowell. The X Factor. Look it was getting tough at the forty third time of asking.

Clue the Forty-Fourth:
My apparent year of birth on MaidenFans.

- My year of birth on MaidenFans is too high, out of habit since i was smoothwalled out of YouTube. Though far more significant, WW1 soldiers lied about their ages to get in the combat.

Clue the Forty-Fifth:
South America it is then!

- The band lost popularity in the Aftermath of the X Factor, moving to play more shows in South America.

Clue the Forty-sixth:
The Gaffa appoves.

- Steve likes the X Factor.

Clue the Forty-Seventh:
A metal spring

- Flowers bloom in spring. Barbed wire is metal. "Barbed Wire bloom"

Clue the Forty-Eighth:
A frequent rhetorical tone.

- The dang questions again.

Clue the Forty-Ninth:
Not yet General.

"I'm just a soldier".

Clue the Fiftieth:
Surely we've battled long enough, this must be nearly done.

- "when the battles are gone".

Clue the Fifty-First:
General trends are improving...

- A couple of X Factor guesses were thrown into the ring at this point.

160 guesses, 51 clues.
Clue #1: Atlas, Rise!
Clue #2: Sirens
Clue #3: Iron Maiden
Clue #4: King In Crimson
Clue #5: Isle of Avalon
Clue #6: @KidInTheDark666
Clue #7: A Tyranny Of Souls
Clue #8: Rob from the rich to give to the poor.
Clue #9: Big D
Clue #10:
Iron Maiden?
Ooh, that was a good guess, but no.
Clue #11: Cain.
Clue #12: The reason Our Father 'twasn't happy with him above.

Hallowed / Clansman / TBOS / Shadows / Assassin / Icarus / Navigator / Wasting / Hallowed / Lord of Light / Apparition / Moonchild / Invaders / Unknown / Powerslave / Flies / Here To Eternity / Coming Home / Eagles / Still Life / Cross / Sanctuary / Aces / Red & Black / Innocence / Wild Wind / Childhood / Iron Maiden / Prowler / Revelations / Blood Brothers / Huddersfield / Stranger / If Eternity / Strange World / Fugitive / Uniform / Apparition / Wicker / Alchemist / Killers / Deja
Clue #1: Atlas, Rise!
Clue #2: Sirens
Clue #3: Iron Maiden
Clue #4: King In Crimson
Clue #5: Isle of Avalon
Clue #6: @KidInTheDark666
Clue #7: A Tyranny Of Souls
Clue #8: Rob from the rich to give to the poor.
Clue #9: Big D
Clue #10:
Iron Maiden?
Ooh, that was a good guess, but no.
Clue #11: Cain.
Clue #12: The reason Our Father 'twasn't happy with him above.
Clue #13: To understand the third... 5x-1=3x+7

Hallowed / Clansman / TBOS / Shadows / Assassin / Icarus / Navigator / Wasting / Hallowed / Lord of Light / Apparition / Moonchild / Invaders / Unknown / Powerslave / Flies / Here To Eternity / Coming Home / Eagles / Still Life / Cross / Sanctuary / Aces / Red & Black / Innocence / Wild Wind / Childhood / Iron Maiden / Prowler / Revelations / Blood Brothers / Huddersfield / Stranger / If Eternity / Strange World / Fugitive / Uniform / Apparition / Wicker / Alchemist / Killers / Deja / World’s Hands / Legacy / Daughter Slaughter / Ambition / Damned / Breeg