Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

No to all.

Clue #1: Enjoy The Silence
Clue #2: This is not a false alarm, this is not a test
Clue #3: When The River Runs Deep
Clue #4: From first to last, the peak is never passed
Clue #5: Losfer Words
Clue #6: Tom Sawyer
Clue #7: Smoke On The Water
Clue #8: The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
Clue #9: No monkey business, now you're on your own
Clue #10: The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner
Clue #11: So we sailed up to the sun, till we found a sea of green

Incorrect guesses: Powerslave, Losfer Words, The Ides Of March, Prowler, Aces High, Afraid To Shoot Strangers, The Trooper, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, When The Wild Wind Blows, The Edge Of Darkness, Moonchild, Alexander The Great, The Book Of Souls, 2 Minutes To Midnight, G(h)engis Khan, The Longest Day, Still Life, Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, Aces High, Back In The Village, Sign Of The Cross, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Total Eclipse, Out Of The Silent Planet, Burning Ambition, The Great Unknown, Wildest Dreams, Death Or Glory, Gangland
Run Silent Run Deep
Ding, ding, ding -- winner! (I kinda figured the lyrics from "Dive! Dive! Dive!" would bring someone out of the woodwork.)

Clue #1: If you're running silent, you may as well "Enjoy The Silence".

Clue #2: "This is not a false alarm, this is not a test" is a lyric from Rush's "Red Tide". Red is another term for crimson, and "Crimson Tide" was a popular movie set in a submarine. Also, "Tide" references the ocean, where one would do one's deep, silent running.

Clue #3: When The River Runs Deep -- yet another thing running deep.

Clue #4: "From first to last, the peak is never passed" is a lyric from Rush's "Marathon", a song about (metaphorical) running.

Clue #5: Losfer Words -- if you're not speaking (or singing) you are silent.

Clue #6: Tom Sawyer -- a Rush song containing the lyric "love and life are deep".

Clue #7: Smoke On The Water -- a song by Deep Purple. Also, y'know, water.

Clue #8: "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls" is a lyric from Simon & Garfunkel's "The Sound Of Silence" (which was also referenced in Rush's "The Spirit Of Radio")

Clue #9: "No monkey business, now you're on your own" is a lyric from Bruce Dickinson's "Dive! Dive! Dive!", a song about a (metaphorical) submarine.

Clue #10: The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner -- a song about running.

Clue #11: "So we sailed up to the sun, till we found a sea of green" is a lyric from the Beatles' "Yellow Submarine".
I kinda figured the lyrics from "Dive! Dive! Dive!" would bring someone out of the woodwork.
I swear, I had no clue what that was supposed to refer to. It was Yellow Submarine that did the trick.

Anyway, brace yourselves, motherfuckers.

Clue #1: But if we walk in darkness, can we ever see the light?
Clue #1: But if we walk in darkness, can we ever see the light?
Clue #2: A man that has but one heart will never rise to see the setting of the golden sun.

Guesses: Shadows of the Valley / The Unbeliever / Lord of the Flies