Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Great: friendly people, beautiful landscapes, interesting activities... I was in Albena and I briefly visited Pliska, Zvezditsa and one which I think was "Huitcheva" (sorry for the spelling, but it was very small and I can't find it on the map). What is enjoyable is that it is not "too touristic" yet. :)
Brighter Than A Thousand Suns

Clue #1: The Thin Line Between Love and Hate - "All nations are rising through acid veils of love and hate"
Clue #2: Tailgunner - "No more Bombers, just one big bomb"
Clue #3: 2 Minutes to Midnight - 2 minutes to nuclear holocaust.
Clue #4: Out of the Shadows - "Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousand suns"
Clue #5: When the Wild Wind Blows - "There will be a catastrophe the like the like we've never seen"
Great: friendly people, beautiful landscapes, interesting activities... I was in Albena and I briefly visited Pliska, Zvezditsa and one which I think was "Huitcheva" (sorry for the spelling, but it was very small and I can't find it on the map). What is enjoyable is that it is not "too touristic" yet. :)
Glad you liked it mate :ok:. Never been to Zvezditsa myself, alas. Any chance the other place is Kichevo? (Haven't been there either but close).
No to all.

Clue #1: Powerwolf
Clue #2: Alice In Chains

Incorrect guesses: The Evil That Men Do, Deja Vu, 2 Minutes To Midnight