Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1:
Clue #2:
Clue #3: 100
Clue #4: 15
Clue #5: 1

Guesses: Losfer Words / Transylvania / Wasting Love / Genghis Khan / Strange World / 2 A.M. / The Nomad / Rime of the Ancient Mariner / When Two Worlds Collide / Brighter Than A Thousans Suns / Ghost of the Navigator / Satellite 15... The Final Frontier / Virus
No to all.

Clue #1: I want to be alone at the beginning.
Clue #2: I want to be happy at the end.

Incorrect guesses: Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger, Out of the Shadows, The Fallen Angel, Fear of the Dark
No to all.

Clue #1: I want to be alone at the beginning.
Clue #2: I want to be happy at the end.
Clue #3: Cuddles <3

Incorrect guesses: Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger, Out of the Shadows, The Fallen Angel, Fear of the Dark, Dance of Death, Como Estais Amigos, The Educated Fool