Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Brighter Than A Thousand Suns
nope. already been guessed

Clue#1: Stringer Bell
Clue#2: Sinfonia Eroica
Clue#3: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Clue #4: British Steel
Clue #5: Saint Helena
Clue#6: Leon Trotsky x 4
Clue #7: Crimean Tatars - 1944
Clue #8: Yahtzee!
Innocent Exile
Finally! Good Job Black Bart!

Clue#1: Stringer Bell – Played by Idris Elba on HBO’s The Wire (1st exile location of Napoleon)
Clue#2: Sinfonia Eroica (Beethoven Symphony dedicated to Napoleon)
Clue#3: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Line 11 – Presumption of Innocence)
Clue #4: British Steel - My mind is all confusion, 'cause I defied the law. (Breaking the Law)
Clue #5: Saint Helena (2nd exile location of Napoleon)
Clue#6: Leon Trotsky x 4 (was exiled 4 times in his life to 4 different countries)
Clue #7: Crimean Tatars – 1944 (200,000 of them were exiled to central America)
Clue #8: Yahtzee! – Tumbling Dice on Rolling Stones Exile on Main Street.
Clue#9: O.J Simpson – Found Innocent during Trial of the Century in USA in mid-90’s
Clue #10: Happy Gilmore – Band Exile “kiss you all over” song was used in this movie.