Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: Where Gabriel and Michael live
Clue #2: He isn't going to pay.

Incorrect guesses: Heaven Can Wait, Purgatory, Revelations
Clue #1: Where Gabriel and Michael live
Clue #2: He isn't going to pay.
Clue #3: You can't see clearly Eddie's face in the cover picture of the single that contains it.

Incorrect guesses: Heaven Can Wait, Purgatory, Revelations, Judgement of Heaven, Blood On the World's Hands, The Wicker Man, Caught Somewhere in Time, Moonchild
Nope to both.

Clue #1: Where Gabriel and Michael live
Clue #2: He isn't going to pay.
Clue #3: You can't see clearly Eddie's face in the cover picture of the single that contains it.
Clue #4: Refined tastes in sports.

Incorrect guesses: Heaven Can Wait, Purgatory, Revelations, Judgement of Heaven, Blood On the World's Hands, The Wicker Man, Caught Somewhere in Time, Moonchild, Rainmaker, Running Free