Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Isle Of Avalon

And we have a winner! Congrats!

Clue #1: Run to the hills!
"Rising levels of the tidal lakes..."
"The water in rivers and rhymes
Rises quickly"
"The sea shall return once again
Just to hide them"

A bit far-fetched, perhaps, but there has been worse... :D You MIGHT want to reach hills at that point anyway.

Clue #2: Getting soaked
See above

Clue #3: Sword
Legend about King Arthur and Excalibur (which was forged in Avalon)

Clue #4: Book, souls
Book of Taliesin, The Mists of Avalon, "lost souls in the isle of the dead"

Clue #5: The Battle for Evermore, Trumpets of Jericho
Avalon is mentioned in both songs.
No to all.

Clue #1: Out Of The Shadows
Clue #2: No Way Out...Continued
Clue #3: Symphony Of Destruction

Incorrect guesses: Flight Of Icarus, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, Out Of The Shadows, Back In The Village, The Mercenary, Still Life