Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Not the answer I was looking for

Clue 1: No cloning here
Clue 2: Wherefore art thou, Eddie?
Clue 3: Flying keyboard warrior
Clue 4: Consult the map!

Clue 1 - No cloning here
Clue 2 - Wherefore art thou, Eddie?
Clue 3 - Flying keyboard warrior
Clue 4 - Consult the map!
Clue 5 - Welcome to the concrete jungle
Not really, no

Clue 1 - No cloning here
Clue 2 - Wherefore art thou, Eddie?
Clue 3 - Flying keyboard warrior
Clue 4 - Consult the map!
Clue 5 - Welcome to the concrete jungle
Clue 6 - In the beginning
Still nothing

Clue 1 - No cloning here
Clue 2 - Wherefore art thou, Eddie?
Clue 3 - Flying keyboard warrior
Clue 4 - Consult the map!
Clue 5 - Welcome to the concrete jungle
Clue 6 - In the beginning . . .
Clue 7 - Waaah waaah waaah wawawaah