Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Oof, is it Fear Of The Dark, due to "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" ?
It is! :)

Clue #1:
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< The Scooby Gang in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, "debating witches and folklore".

Clue #2: "Up here in space, I'm looking down on you"
< "You've sensed that something's watching you"

Clue #3: Iron Maiden
< on the single, the logo is in yellow:

Clue #4:
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<"the unknown troubles on your mind"

< after 8 album covers made by Derek Riggs, the ninth one (the FOTB album) was made by Melvyn Grant.

Clue #6:
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< the last shot from the Blair Witch Project, which echoes pretty much all the song lyrics, but especially:
"Sometimes when you're scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
You've sensed that something's watching you"

Clue #7:
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< the goalkeeper from Real Madrid was born on May 11th, 1992, the FOTD album release date.

Clue #8: the song we're looking for was released the same year as a Canadian-American TV show whose title and theme are quite similar.
< see Vaenyr's answer. :)

Clue #9: the song we're looking for is much more popular than those of the same album that appear among the incorrect guesses.
< You've named "Chains of Misery", "The Apparition" and "Weekend Warrior", which are mostly unpopular songs, especially compared to the title track.

Clue #10: a matter of glasses and font

Congratulations, @Vaenyr ! Your turn. :)
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Clue #2: Song A used the old idea, Song B is the one we are looking for. Song A, like a lot of older Maiden songs, has music that doesn't quite match the lyrics. Song B on the other hand much more "appropriate" music considering the topic of the song.

Previous Clues:
Clue #1:
The song we are looking for is revisiting an old idea in a new, or rather different, way.

Guesses that chill the bones: Dance Of Death, Invaders, The Book Of Souls
Clue #3: Song A from the previous clue marked a special moment in Maiden's career and introduced something that wasn't heard on previous releases. Song B (the one we are looking for) on the other hand features a lot of tropes of modern Maiden compositions, but has one particular section that's quite distinct and rather unique compared to the rest of Maiden's discography.

Previous Clues:
Clue #1:
The song we are looking for is revisiting an old idea in a new, or rather different, way.

Clue #2: Song A used the old idea, Song B is the one we are looking for. Song A, like a lot of older Maiden songs, has music that doesn't quite match the lyrics. Song B on the other hand much more "appropriate" music considering the topic of the song.

Guesses that chill the bones: Dance Of Death, Invaders, The Book Of Souls, Journeyman, The Talisman, Shadows Of The Valley
Clue #4: The song we are looking ( B ) for was released more than three decades after the song that deals with a similar topic ( A ).

Previous Clues:
Clue #1:
The song we are looking for is revisiting an old idea in a new, or rather different, way.

Clue #2: Song A used the old idea, Song B is the one we are looking for. Song A, like a lot of older Maiden songs, has music that doesn't quite match the lyrics. Song B on the other hand much more "appropriate" music considering the topic of the song.

Clue #3: Song A from the previous clue marked a special moment in Maiden's career and introduced something that wasn't heard on previous releases. Song B (the one we are looking for) on the other hand features a lot of tropes of modern Maiden compositions, but has one particular section that's quite distinct and rather unique compared to the rest of Maiden's discography.

Guesses that chill the bones: Dance Of Death, Invaders, The Book Of Souls, Journeyman, The Talisman, Shadows Of The Valley, Empire Of The Clouds, Moonchild
Lost In A Lost World (because of Stranger In A Strange Land, similar topic in a different way) ?

35 years after the previous song on 'Somewhere In Time'. ;)
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Clue #1 :


Incorrect guesses : Empire Of The Clouds /// The Man Who Would Be King /// Die With Your Boots On ///
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