Clue #4: The song we are looking ( B ) for was released more than three decades after the song that deals with a similar topic ( A ).
Previous Clues:
Clue #1: The song we are looking for is revisiting an old idea in a new, or rather different, way.
Clue #2: Song A used the old idea, Song B is the one we are looking for. Song A, like a lot of older Maiden songs, has music that doesn't quite match the lyrics. Song B on the other hand much more "appropriate" music considering the topic of the song.
Clue #3: Song A from the previous clue marked a special moment in Maiden's career and introduced something that wasn't heard on previous releases. Song B (the one we are looking for) on the other hand features a lot of tropes of modern Maiden compositions, but has one particular section that's quite distinct and rather unique compared to the rest of Maiden's discography.
Guesses that chill the bones: Dance Of Death, Invaders, The Book Of Souls, Journeyman, The Talisman, Shadows Of The Valley, Empire Of The Clouds, Moonchild