Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1:
View attachment 31687

Clue #2: In this song, people talk behind somebody's back but they also back that somebody's behind.

Clue #3:
(don't bother solving it, the clue refers to the name of the game)

Incorrect guesses: Total Eclipse / Lord of Light / Speed of Light/ Fear of the Dark/ No More Lies/ Alexander The Great
Clue #1:
View attachment 31687

Clue #2: In this song, people talk behind somebody's back but they also back that somebody's behind.

Clue #3:
View attachment 31728
(don't bother solving it, the clue refers to the name of the game)

Clue #4: in this song, there is a line that echoes a famous song by a band Maiden opened for, at the time the album from which the Maiden song we are looking for was taken was released.
(Now I know how it feels to write clues like this... sadistic pleasure of nesting relative clauses... yes, @Jmaster, I'm talking about you :D )

Clue #5: Episode 1

Incorrect guesses: Total Eclipse / Lord of Light / Speed of Light/ Fear of the Dark/ No More Lies/ Alexander The Great/ The Prisoner/ Senjutsu/ Virus/ The Alchemist
Clue #1:
View attachment 31687

Clue #2: In this song, people talk behind somebody's back but they also back that somebody's behind.

Clue #3:
View attachment 31728
(don't bother solving it, the clue refers to the name of the game)

Clue #4: in this song, there is a line that echoes a famous song by a band Maiden opened for, at the time the album from which the Maiden song we are looking for was taken was released.
(Now I know how it feels to write clues like this... sadistic pleasure of nesting relative clauses... yes, @Jmaster, I'm talking about you :D )

Clue #5: Episode 1

Incorrect guesses: Total Eclipse / Lord of Light / Speed of Light/ Fear of the Dark/ No More Lies/ Alexander The Great/ The Prisoner/ Senjutsu/ Virus/ The Alchemist
Finally a clue that makes sense to me.

Charlotte the harlot
Finally a clue that makes sense to me.

Charlotte the harlot
That's the one! :)

Clue #1:
View attachment 31687
< "Giving a 'switch' with your arse in the air" (the actual word is 'swish' but why not take the opportunity to display this example of human genius. :D )

Clue #2: In this song, people talk behind somebody's back but they also back that somebody's behind.
< "Don't you know what they're saying"... as for the meaning of "behind" in this context, let's say it is related to the main character's trade.

Clue #3:
View attachment 31728

< this mathematical game is called "a fiver" // "You charge them a fiver it's only for starters"

Clue #4: in this song, there is a line that echoes a famous song by a band Maiden opened for, at the time the album from which the Maiden song we are looking for was taken was released.

< "Don't you know you're breaking the law with this service you're giving"

Clue #5: Episode 1
< The main character, Charlotte, is also featured in "22 Acacia Avenue", "Hooks in You" and "From Here to Eternity".

Congrats @Jmaster . Your turn. ;)