Guess the altered Iron Maiden songtitle

No to all.

Picture clue:
Extra clue #1: The eyes in the picture belong to George W. Bush

Extra clue #2: The unmodified song title is right there in the picture

Extra clue #3:

Incorrect guesses: Senjutsclue, No Mourn Eyes, Don’t Look To The Salad Of The Burger, Sea Of Pig Noses, Strategeorge, StrateGaga, Straight Ego
Time’s up!

Picture clue:
Extra clue #1: The eyes in the picture belong to George W. Bush

Extra clue #2: The unmodified song title is right there in the picture

Extra clue #3:
Extra clue #4: The modified song title is a mangling of the word “strategy”, made famous by Will Ferrell’s impersonation of George W. Bush. It also happens to be the title of the original picture clue.

Incorrect guesses: Senjutsclue, No Mourn Eyes, Don’t Look To The Salad Of The Burger, Sea Of Pig Noses, Strategeorge, StrateGaga, Straight Ego, StrateGulf, Strategomaniac

Picture clue:

A piece of artwork titled “Strategery”, with the very clear callout about the unmodified song title in the picture.

Extra clue #1: The eyes in the picture belong to George W. Bush - Self-explanatory.

Extra clue #2: The unmodified song title is right there in the picture - Self-explanatory.

Extra clue #3:

Will Ferrell as George W. Bush during a debate sketch where he used the word “strategery”.

Extra clue #4: The modified song title is a mangling of the word “strategy”, made famous by Will Ferrell’s impersonation of George W. Bush. It also happens to be the title of the original picture clue. - Self-explanatory.

Your turn!