GREATEST METAL ALBUM CUP - Winner: Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son!

First pair
I'm not only going to say I'd take 90s Megadeth over 90s Metallica (Internet has thought me you can not discuss Megadeth without mentioning Metallica except on official Megadeth forum) I'm gonna say I'd take 90s Megadeth over 80s Megadeth. Rust in Peace, Countdown to Extinction, Youthanasia - any of those over any of these: KIMB...ABIG, PS...BHB, SF,SG...SW (dammit Dave, I hate acronyms, but these names are atrocious).
Trash rawness on Rust in Peace? Love it. Polished commercialism on Youthanasia? Love it. And in between there is Countdown taking best of both worlds. Somewhere in that period Megadeth really went from angry alcohol-fueled kids into well-calculated speed-fueled professionals. Kudos to every other early and later member, but Megadeth haven't had such a good guitar player (Friedman) until Kiko and such a good drummer (Menza) until Adler. And Countdown is where it shows - each one of them is on a different level and even those "filler tracks" have gold nuggets (example: Friedman's solo in Foreclosure of a Dream).
Countdown to Extinction

Second pair

I haven't felt this bad for somebody like I feel bad for Machine Head since 8th July 2014 - very forgettable date unless you're from Brazil (or Germany for that matter). The only interesting thing in this pair was how will Jer merge all those 15 names but he did it. (I actually planned to respond with Goldblum meme (You did it. You crazy son of a bi*** you really did it) but I'm saving that one for meme's thread.

Third pair

I voted wrong.
Some of the early Motorhead albums are often overlooked in a way that most people only notice singles from the album while the rest of it is on the same level or even better (example: Overkill). On the other hand, I like Skunkworks more than Accident of Birth and/or Chemical Wedding - so, automatically, I clicked Motorhead. But later I played both of those and man... Accident of Birth has a lot more to offer than Ace of Spades (if it were previous Motorhead albums, I wouldn't mind).
Ace of Spades but it should've been Accident of Birth.

Fourth pair
I'm just going to put a remark about Cliff Burton.
He may not be heard in the mix, innovative, original or whatever is said here. His biggest "tool" in Metallica was his song construction and influence on other band members. Just compare Kill 'em All (where his only contribution was Anesthesia) with later two. Example: title track of the current album. James, Kirk and Lars wouldn't write that middle melodic part of Master of Puppets (song) in a millions years if it weren't for Cliff. To me, that's his biggest legacy (and I still don't know what to think about those rumors that some material from AJFA was written during MOP sessions).
Master of Puppets
I would be totally fine if either Peace Sells, Powerslave or Master of Puppets won the whole damn thing. Not really that surprised that Moving Pictures is getting destroyed in a METAL cup. That said, it was the first "heavier" album I got and it set me on a path that has me invested in internet polls nearly 40 years later. Witch Hunt still sends chills down my spine.
I think it's time to start bets on how many Maiden/BD albums will land in top 10 :)
Not really that surprised that Moving Pictures is getting destroyed in a METAL cup.
Considering where Moving Pictures showed up, it has had a lovely tournament. You don't get surprised when Hartlepool United FC makes it all the way to get crushed by Chelsea in the Football Cup, you celebrate their luck and skill at getting so far.
I'm going to try and vote in every matchup this league! (I still feel terrible about procrastinating voting for RATM.)
After careful consideration, Peace Sells. I really liked Countdown to Extinction when I first got into metal, but you know, I think I grew out of it a little bit. Peace Sells rocks a little harder, a little faster, and while Countdown still is good, yeah.
Iron Maiden. The best metal album of all time? For me, maybe.
Pity vote for Rush.
The first matchup was the most difficult. Both albums could reasonably be considered Megadeth's second-best, the only difference being the level of polish on each. I ended up voting for Megadeth Countdown to Extinction because the album has more songs that I enjoy.

Iron Maiden beats Deep Purple.

Motorhead is simply more fun than Accident of Birth.

Rush bores me. Metallica gets my vote, in what might be the easiest matchup this league. Oh, wait, no; there are several that are easier.
In the battle of Megadave supremacy, Peace Sells... But Who's Buying wins a narrow victory over Countdown to Extinction.
Iron Maiden simply brutalizes Deep Purple, scoring a near shutout win. Purple's out.
Bruce Dickinson trounces Motörhead, who are now done in the GMAC.
Metallica overwhelms Rush, finishing off the prog rock stalwarts.

Round of 32 Matchups Set:
Megadeth - Peace Sells... But Who's Buying vs. Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Bruce Dickinson - Accident of Birth vs. Metallica - Master of Puppets

Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith (1984)

How it got here

List entries: Metal Rules 15, Metalstorm 37, DigitalDreamDoor 97, Metal Kingdom 14
Maidenfans Nominators: @Collin, @Dityn DJ James, @Dr Eddie’s Wingman, @Forostar, @Kalata, @mckindog, @Poto, @Saapanael
League 1 - Match 5vs.

Alice in Chains - Dirt (1992)

How it got here

List entries: Rolling Stone 26, Metalstorm 18, DigitalDreamDoor 74
Maidenfans Nominators: @Collin, @Diesel 11, @FTB, @Jer, @Lampwick 43, @matic22, @phantomoftheicarus
Previous Rounds:
League 2: Defeated Halford - Resurrection 19-11.

Megadeth - Rust in Peace (1990)

How it got here

List entries: Rolling Stone 19, Loudwire 33, Metal Rules 16, DigitalDreamDoor 8, Metal Kingdom 2
Maidenfans Nominators: @Ariana, @Black Wizard, @Collin, @Diesel 11, @Dr Eddie’s Wingman, @FTB, @karljant, @Midnight, @Mosh, @Saapanael, @The Flash, @Whooten, @Yax
League 1 - Match 6vs.

Pantera - Cowboys From Hell (1990)

How it got here

List entries: Metal Rules 85, DigitalDreamDoor 53
Maidenfans Nominators: n/a
Previous Rounds:
League 6: Defeated Scorpions - Lovedrive 16-9.
League 5: Defeated Behemoth - The Satanist 23-6.
League 4: Defeated Deep Purple - In Rock 15-13.
League 3: Defeated Tool - Lateralus 18-14.
League 2: Defeated Exodus - Bonded in Blood 19-9.

Black Sabbath - Master of Reality (1971)

How it got here

List entries: Rolling Stone 34, Loudwire 10, Metal Rules 55, Metalstorm 14, DigitalDreamDoor 7, Metal Kingdom 81
Maidenfans Nominators: @Cornfed Hick, @Midnight, @Poto, @The Flash
League 1 - Match 7vs.

Helloween - Walls of Jericho (1985)

How it got here

List entries: DigitalDreamDoor 71
Maidenfans Nominators: @Forostar, @Kalata
Previous Rounds:
League 4: Defeated Sabaton - Carolus Rex 15-12.
League 3: Defeated Faith No More - Angel Dust 18-14.
League 2: Defeated Slayer - Hell Awaits 19-11.

Judas Priest - British Steel (1980)

How it got here

List entries: Rolling Stone 3, Loudwire 31, Metal Rules 21, DigitalDreamDoor 49
Maidenfans Nominators: @matic22, @mckindog, @Yax
League 1 - Match 8vs.

Scorpions - Love at First Sting (1984)

How it got here

List entries: Metal Rules 94, Metalstorm 87
Maidenfans Nominators: @FTB, @Jer, @Poto
Previous Rounds:
League 3: Defeated Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy 17-13.
League 2: Defeated At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul 16-13.
Fuck, that first match is brutal. Defenders of the Faith is one of Priest’s best records, but it doesn’t compare with Dirt. AIC put a definitive stamp on bluesy hard rock / metal, Stayley is truly one of the greatest singers there has ever been I’ll go so far as to say that he is far superior to Halford. Singing is more than just range, and as much as I think Rob is cool as hell, Layne made you feel things you never thought you could feel. There’s a pain and hopelessness in his performance that makes you stand back in awe. And look at the great stuff on this record: “Them Bones”, “Dam That River”, “Rain When I Die”, “Down in a Hole”, “Rooster”, “God Smack”, “Would?” — these are some of the best rock; nay, metal songs ever crafted. And to be clear, I think every song bar the closing duo on Defenders are great... but even the best on that album can’t touch the best on Dirt. What a rough match-up, but AIC are really the better of the two.

Rust in Peace is up there with Master of Puppets and Reign in Blood as one of the ultimate thrash albums. The only thing I wish is for a slightly more pristine production job which I think the material deserves — although maybe I just need to listen to it with better speakers, someone lemme know if I’ve been doing it wrong. Oh, and “Poison Was the Cure” is a bit iffy, but the rest is truly gold standard metal. Also a key reason I got into metal in the first place! “Hangar 18” is one of the most well-crafted songs thrash has to offer and “Tornado of Souls” has my all-time favorite guitar solo (and honestly the one in “Lucretia” isn’t too far behind either). Pantera are fine, but really no match for me.

Gonna go with my gut feeling and vote Black Sabbath, but I don’t really feel good about this match up. Neither are albums I care for.

Same with the last one, but this one’s easier. What does British Steel have that makes it such an iconic record? The only song I really care about is “Breaking the Law”, the rest go from ‘solid’ to ‘actually kinda lame’. Love at First Sting, meanwhile, has at least three songs I think slap pretty hard: “Rock You Like a Hurricane” is truly iconic, for a reason; “Big City Nights” is an anthem; and, as a sucker for great power ballads, “Still Loving You” truly delivers a hefty bunch. Definitely gotta go Scorpions here, although I’ll be surprised if they win given the competition.

And no, I’m not gonna bring up Judas Priest bias and go off on a winded rant about how Dirt is never going to win on a forum where people don’t respect good music and good vocals and— I mean, what. :oops:

I have come to accept and expect this forum's disrespect for bands like Led Zeppelin. The disrespect for Black Sabbath, however, is baffling.
Considering where Moving Pictures showed up, it has had a lovely tournament. You don't get surprised when Hartlepool United FC makes it all the way to get crushed by Chelsea in the Football Cup, you celebrate their luck and skill at getting so far.
Rush is no subdivision(s! ;--) ) to me, even if they are in a metal tournament. Anyway: 6x US Platinum vs 4x US Platinum ==> 6x US Platinum wins.
I have come to accept and expect this forum's disrespect for bands like Led Zeppelin. The disrespect for Black Sabbath, however, is baffling.
I think Ozzy Sabbath is a bit like Purple, in the sense that there are a lot of absolutely monumental songs. There is however, a fair share of filler or semi filler material with both bands. Compared to walls of Jericho though, I'm Sabbath all the way.