Dream Theatre - Another album that I actually have that didn't stand up to the scrutiny of one listen, riff not bad (was better when Sabbath originally played it), chorus brings back memories, they must have played this when opening for Maiden in 05. This track isn't bad at all, still overlong, there's a solid 3 and a half min pop song hidden in there among the 7 and a half mins of noodling.
AC/DC - opinion given before
AC/DC with the win
AC/DC - Generally a bigger fan of the Bon era, but musically this is the strongest set of tracks they ever brought out and given the Mutt Lange sheen they sound fantastic as well. Plus you've got Brian Johnson screaming blue murder all over the album, in what must have been one of the toughest gigs anyone has ever got. Blaze still whinges about the toughness of his gig, but at least Bruce hadn't croaked! You've got a load of live staples obviously in Hells Bells, Shoot to Thrill, the title track and You Shook Me All Night Long. But the rest of the tracks are all great too. The only let down as such is while the Bon Scott lyrics were generally just as sleazy, there was often a humour element and a bit of self-deprecation whereas they now are just single entendres.
Opeth - opinion given before
AC/DC with the win
Diamond Head - A fantastic album that I might have nominated if I had a bit more spaces. We all should be familiar enough with the songs given Metallica have released covers of over half the album (and covered a fifth track live as well). The 4 Metallica are all great as we know, but the rest are too, although Sucking My Love might be a "euphemism" that even AC/DC would have blushed at.
Iced Earth - Opinion given before
Diamond Head with the win
Slayer - another one I would have nominated on an expanded list. In many ways, the songs on here are stronger as individual tracks than Reign in Blood but Reign is the more cohesive collection. It's really only Cleanse the Soul that isn't up to too much. Outside of the well known classics, Live Undead, Behind the Crooked Cross, Ghosts of War, Read Between the Lies and Spill the Blood are all great, and the cover of Dissident Agressor cuts muster as well. I actually got to see them play Chemical Warfare/Ghosts of War live as well.
Rush - opinion given before
Slayer with the win
The good guys are going to lose all these matches aren't they?