1. Pretty good. Bit of a dull progression.
2. As said: copy cat stuff, love the bridge and solo part though!
3. Not good.
4. Good
5. Yes, now we're talking
6. Mwah
7 Good
8. Yes, now we're talking
9. Meh
10 Terribly monotonuous, repetitive overlong song

This is not a good part of the album. Traitor's Gate has it moments and No Surrender rocks alright.
@karljant I think you missed this line.
Lone Wolf outright sucks, the rest is not that impressive.
Resurrection has these less good songs:
... although Temptation has a memorable chorus. But 1-7 is very, very enjoyable. The lead work, drums and vocals are outstanding.

Saviour is good, but these Japanese tracks are among the
best songs Halford ever sang on. Mindblowing metal.