
As usual with Ghost, production/sound is very nice. After first listen, I think i prefer Rats.
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Not hugely enthused on first listen, better than Twenties and Hunters Moon, musically stripped back and I'd enjoy that more with a stripped back first album sound
Going back to their early heavier sound while carrying over the pop melodies of late. It could be a massive or it could suck. I did like this song though.
I love everything about this. The song is fantastic, very well written as usual. The sound surprised me big time. Feels retro, maybe even a tiny bit lo-fi, which is a great stylistic choice if you ask me. Definitely harkens back to the vibe of the first two albums. I feel like their heavily produced arena rock sound started with Meliora and really peaked on Impera, so I was curious where do they go from there.

And the new Papa looks killer. Being a fan since the first album came out, it feels surreal to see the rubber mask gone. Good for Tobias, it's going to be so much easier to perform.
Honestly, the best part about this is that the album comes out less than 90 days from this announcement. No releasing the initial details and then a 3+ month wait for the whole thing while 2-3 more singles drop so you've heard half the record before it's out.

I wish more bands would (and could I suppose) do this.

Song itself is decent. I loved Impera so I have hopes this will be quality as well.