"Worthy of my support" was meant humorously. I don't know, I just happen to like certain athletes. Typically, I root for teams and athletes that have caught my attention around the time I became interested in the sport in question. Most of my sports allegiances go back to the early 90's - in football mostly, but also in winter sports - and haven't changed since.
For example, the first winter Olympic games I remember watching were Albertville 1992. I didn't understand much but I loved the excitement, so for Lillehammer I was prepared to pay serious attention. Bang, there comes Bjørndalen and grabs my attention. An instant favourite, even though he was an underdog then. Ever since, I've loved Nowegian biathlon, both men and women. Later, I seem to have extrapolated that affection to other disciplines.
I would be okay with a new thread.