Folk Metal


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So yesterday on VH1 Classic there was an airing of Sonisphere 2010 in the UK. Out of all the bands that performed, this one band really interested me. This band was Turisas. I looked them up and they were classified as "Folk Metal". I was wondering if any one else listened to this genre, or band and what they think about the genre and any other bands that are like Turisas.
I think Mago de Oz from Spain qualifies as folk... though they venture onto the Proggy side quite often
Based on the links, I'd call "Dance of Death" folk metal too. Which is probably why I dislike that song more than most on this forum...
Turisas is a borderline case when it comes to folk metal. With their violin and accordion, they certainly have folky touches, but they are less prominent than with some other bands. In any case, they are brilliant live (I was at the gig you mentioned), and highly recommendable to anyone who is in for a bit of fun.

In short, if you like Turisas, you should give the following bands a listen: Ensiferum, Korpiklaani (a lot heavier on the folky aspect, they are actually best described as "humppa metal"), Finntroll and Alestorm (who ditch the pagan warrior image for a pirate one- these guys are pure party). All those bands are quite popular in Europe and everybody in the metal scene knows them; however, this whole type of music seems to be completely unknown in America. Hence, what I listed are the most important and famous bands from this area; there are virtually thousands of others. Incidentally, all those bands I mentioned are from Finland, except for Alestorm.

When I say "quite popular", that means they can do a headlining club tour with about two hundred people showing up at a gig, and they are signed to a label like Nuclear Blast which distributes their albums to major electronics retailer chains.
My favorite bands with folk metal influences (I don;t want to say folk metal bands because some of these bands aren't folk all the time):

-Alestorm: folk/power metal album with lyrics about pirates or similar topics. Fast and catchy, with funny lyrics and vocals. Check out drums on their first albums, they are incredible! :rocker:

-Amorphis: I only heard their latest 3 albums and Magic & Mayhem. Folk is used only sporadically, but I know they used it much more on previous albums...

-Emir Hot: not really a band, and there's only one but great album. Folk is also used only sporadically, mainly balkan folk with accordions...

-Ensiferum: first 2 albums are amazing, totally filler-less. Victory Songs is a good album although not as good as first two albums. I tried to like From Afar but it's pretty boring...

-Finntroll: not really a fan of this band, but their latest album is pretty good. Solsagan is an amazing song :rocker:

-Korpiklaani: their first album is magnificent, without any kind of fillers. After that album they are only getting worse...

-Turisas: their first two albums are fantastic mix of folk and symphonic metal. Their 3rd album is mostly symphonic with only sporradic folk apperances...

-Týr: first 4 albums could be classified as progressive folk metal but they don't use any folk instruments. Their 5th album marks a change in bands style which is now more powermetallish...

-Wuthering Heights: I haven't listened to their first 2 albums, because I heard that those are mostly uncatchy progressive metal albums (not a fan of the genre). Their 3rd album is FANTASTIC. Imagine Blind Guardian making a folk metal album with Dio singing. Their vocalist Nils Patrik Johansson must be Dio's son or something. I don't really like their 4th album, but their 5th (Salt) is amazing, full of catchy choruses, fast and folky parts. Lyrics are also amazing. CHECK THIS BAND OUT! :cheers:
Cornfed Hick said:
Based on the links, I'd call "Dance of Death" folk metal too. Which is probably why I dislike that song more than most on this forum...

Same and exactly for that reason. I really can't stand the celtic/folk influence  :down:
Cruachan is an often overlooked example of Celtic metal. They are a bit of a hit and miss, but their album, Folk-Lore is brilliant from start to finish.
NightProwler666 said:
-Amorphis: I only heard their latest 3 albums and Magic & Mayhem. Folk is used only sporadically, but I know they used it much more on previous albums...

Amorphis is an odd band in this case, because musically they have experimented so much throughout their career and I don't recall a lot of "folk" in their music. I've heard flutes, saxophones, techno and they've been doom/death and lately, rather traditional metal. Again.. musically. But lyrically they are straight-up folk. Most of their lyrics are based on the Kalevala which is as folk as you can get.
Thanks for all of the suggestions! I'll be checking them out tomorrow.
Alestorm are great, ive been doing a fair old bit of listening to them and elements are very well put together while others are just good old fun tracks... i like it!    Pirate metal rules   :huh:

EDIT: just spotted Peruns post now...  ::) nothin' i can do now... at least i supplied a pretty quality link people  :ok:
EDITEDIT: and nightprowlers  :S  oh dear...
ive preordered back through time! (i believe its running late)  :lol:  i love how they can produce an instrumentally great song (in some cases) while still being out-there funny and well... there pirates so thats instant awesomeness
i find it hard to pick between the albums myself, im loving back through time especially sunk'n norwegian. But leviathans my current favourite song of theirs... for now im gunna say
back through time > black sails at midnight > captain morgan's revenge

i wish they'd play up in north england as opposed to london or overpriced sonisphere. Even scotland (their homeland) is easier for me
Evocation I - The Arcane Dominion is their best album IMO. My favorite Eluveitie songs are: Slania's Song (favorite), Inis Mona, Primordial Breath, Elembivos, Brictom, Omnos, Dessumiis Luge etc.
You guys ever heard of Moonsorrow? Kind of a pagan metal band, very progressive (Yum! I love progressive stuff) that includes a lot of folk stuff, 12 string acoustics, I think keyboards and choirs are used. I wanted to give them a shot, anyone listened to them before?
I've tried advertising them a bit, most people I guess haven't been interested.  They're my favourite Finnish band.