Ever notice how Steve doesn’t write “riffs” anymore?

What does Blaze have to do with bass riffs :rolleyes:
We got derailed folks, there are already around 314 threads about Blaze/Bruce solo era
What does Blaze have to do with bass riffs :rolleyes:
Y'know what they say: "If we're gonna criticize Maiden, gotta bring the Silicon Messiah back into the ring!"

Which, by the way, is a far better album than anything Adrian did outside of Maiden, not counting Bruce's albums.
Silicon Messiah [...] is a far better album than anything Adrian did outside of Maiden, not counting Bruce's albums.
I'm sure you'll agree that this statement is just as true as the statement "Weekend Warrior is a 10/10 song." :rolleyes:
It's been all downhill since BNW material wise.
nah, that's your opinion. Yes BNW is my favorite of the post-reunion albums but to say any album after that is a downfall is bogus. Every Maiden album has something special about it especially since Bruce and H came back. Alot of fans consider AMOLAD the best album they did since Bruce and H came back. For me TBOS is a fantastic album and it's my second favorite of the post-reunion albums.
I'm sure you'll agree that this statement is just as true as the statement "Weekend Warrior is a 10/10 song." :rolleyes:
Yes, though to be fair, it's been bumped down to a 9/10 since I redid my rating scale. But Silicon Messiah is actually a much-acclaimed album overall and I'm pretty sure many would back me in that statement. Adrian is cool, but Blaze is a surprise master.
Yes, though to be fair, it's been bumped down to a 9/10 since I redid my rating scale. But Silicon Messiah is actually a much-acclaimed album overall and I'm pretty sure many would back me in that statement. Adrian is cool, but Blaze is a surprise master.

I agree with your statement, and add that IMO, Tenth Dimension is as good as anything Adrian did outside Maiden, including Bruce's good albums.
Well, you're in for at least a few treats Diesel. Blaze's solo works are perhaps a bit more uneven than Bruce's, but IMHO he has only made one bad album since leaving Maiden - The King of Metal (which I admit did have a few bright spots after all when I gave it another listen recently). I think most will rank either Silicon Messiah or The Man Who Would Not Die as his strongest efforts, but my personal favourite has got to be Tenth Dimension. It's a futuristic concept album, a topic he revisits on his most recent releases. So there's plenty to dig into :)

Reading this, I'm looking forward to listening to Adrian's efforts, so I can finally compare them to the rest :P
I do. They're both songs I really like. TAATG has always been one of my not guilty pleasures and DLTTEOAS has grown on me so much it's in my Top 40. Such a moody song, I love it.
Futureal is a vastly underrated short rocker, Angel and the Gambler is a ton of fun, the Educated Fool is full of awesome melodies, Como Estais is a heartfelt anthem, Lightning and Worlds are weaker for Maiden, but otherwise decent and The Clansman is an all time classic. Eyes is the only track that I can do without.
Futureal, clasman and Como are all great though

The Clansman is the only song I really enjoy off Virtual XI, but I can think of several war epics that have been released since that I think are miles better (Paschendale, Brighter than a Thousand Suns or The Longest Day to name just three).
Back on topic, Maiden have never really had iconic riffs if you rule out guitar melody lines. You know what I mean, riffs like AC/DC or Black Sabbath produce. They've always been about the complete song rather than a Whole Lotta Love or Smoke on the Water style riff.