European Politics

Don't fuck around, that's not racism, racism != religious intolerance, and that's freedom of speech and my personal opinion.

I expected you to use your twisted logic, and I'm having none of it. Don't talk back to me.
racism != religious intolerance

Here's the twist in the logic. While your statement may be technically true, both racism and religious intolerance are behaviors that have always earned bans on this forum. The effect is equal from the mods' perspective. Please don't engage in either.

For what it's worth, I understand how horribly easy it is to go there. What else can you think about a group of violent people who seem so unreasonable?

But attributing murderous intent to millions (billions?) of Muslims is just wrong. That's the top of a slope we want to stay away from.
Lots of muslims have condemned this horrific deed. The maior of Rotterdam (muslim, Moroccan) had a good speech.
Muslims are a race?


On a separate subject ..... too bad this will not be the next cover. If they sold these magazines here, I would buy one for the hell of it. Fuck these people.

I'd never heard of the magazine before and I suspect it's not massively well known outside of France. Now the whole world has heard of it so I guess there's no such thing as bad publicity eh?
I'd never heard of the magazine before and I suspect it's not massively well known outside of France. Now the whole world has heard of it so I guess there's no such thing as bad publicity eh?

Yeah, I never heard of it either, but it is not like you see many French language publications in the US
Extreme muslim wants you dead.
Moderate muslim wants extreme muslim to kill you.

I'm an atheist living in Turkey. You're sorely mistaken. The amount of Muslims who support the events is slim compared to those who condemn it. The extremists and supporters of extremists are simply an extremely loud minority among them.
So the bastards are dead now, after taking hostages and then firing at the police. Probably the outcome the terrorists wanted anyway, so that they could go and meet the 72.

Too bad they weren't caught alive, so they could be fed nothing but expired pork for the rest of their lives in prison.
Someone is still missing : one of guy's girlfriend. And, as expected, things are taking a bad turn : inscriptions and shots on religion buildings, insults... The shit storm begins.
A couple of bombs have been found in various shopping malls in big cities in Turkey. It's an absolutely horrifying time to be here.
So much for supporting free speech

French comedian Dieudonne arrested for condoning terrorism in Facebook post

Paris: Notorious French comedian Dieudonne M'bala M'bala has been arrested for condoning terrorism after suggesting he sympathised with one of the Paris attacks gunmen, in a move that sparked a debate about free speech.

Prosecutors opened the case against the comedian after he posted on his Facebook page: "Tonight, as far as I'm concerned, I feel like Charlie Coulibaly" - mixing the popular slogan "Je suis Charlie" used in homage to the slain Charlie Hebdo magazine journalists with a reference to Islamist gunman Amedy Coulibaly.

Coulibaly killed four Jews at a supermarket on Friday and a policewoman the day before.

Dieudonne's arrest is one of 54 cases that have been opened in France for "condoning terrorism" or "making threats to carry out terrorist acts" since last week's Islamist shootings left 17 people dead.

Dieudonne made his controversial Facebook post after attending Sunday's unity march against extremism that brought more than 1.5 million people onto the streets of Paris after the attacks.

He described the march - considered the biggest rally in modern French history - as "a magical moment comparable to the big-bang".

His lawyer David de Stefano said his arrest was "shocking".

"We are in the land of freedom of expression? This morning, the government provided the demonstration of that," he said sarcastically.

If found guilty, Dieudonne could face up to seven years in jail and a 5000 euro ($A7242) fine.

Dieudonne is a controversial figure who has made headlines in the past, most notably with his trademark "quenelle" hand gesture that looks like an inverted Nazi salute, but that he insists is merely anti-establishment.

Branded a "pedlar of hate" by the government, Dieudonne has also attracted controversy over sketches widely viewed as anti-Semitic that have occasionally prompted local authorities to ban his shows.

Nevertheless, the polemicist's arrest over his Facebook post has sparked huge debate over where freedom of expression starts and ends, particularly after France has for days vaunted the importance of free speech following killings that took aim at journalists among others.
Yeah, in the USA he probably wouldn't be arrested(?), but then again: I think that European media show the cartoons more often than in the US (e.g. I heard CNN wouldn't do it because they thought it would be too dangerous).
France is in the middle of that discussion right now. This guy has pushed it before. I tend to land on the side of free speech, of course, and I think this is wildly unacceptable.