European Politics

Wow. Great. My favorite:

"Grab your weapons, mates"
My condolences and thoughts go out to the relatives and friends of those killed and wounded by this terrorist atrocity. The commitment of Europe to absolute freedom of speech and expression should not falter in the face of the so-called Religion of Peace, which demands the death of its detractors and its apostates (amongst many, many others). I sincerely hope that other media outlets do not cower in fear from printing the cartoons.
Everybody is under shock. I was in a classroom talking to students, and all a a sudden, a bad feeling began to spread with those who consulted their phones instead of listening. That's really sick. Some of the guys who got murdered were very well-known. Cabu has been working for Le Monde for ages. So, even if Charlie Hebdo is not a mainstream newspaper, some of the greatest french press is affected. We knew something would come, but this is such a blow. And the people reaction is really unusual, with big improvised meetings everywhere, even in the town I live in, where people generally tend to avoid such mass gathering.
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My condolences and thoughts go out to the relatives and friends of those killed and wounded by this terrorist atrocity. The commitment of Europe to absolute freedom of speech and expression should not falter in the face of the so-called Religion of Peace, which demands the death of its detractors and its apostates (amongst many, many others). I sincerely hope that other media outlets do not cower in fear from printing the cartoons.

Honestly I would question Europe's commitment to free speech for some. There are plenty laws against freedom of expression/speech already.
Extreme muslim wants you dead.
Moderate muslim wants extreme muslim to kill you.

A lot of the "moderate" muslim feedback came to defending Islam. Nobody defended freedom of speech or innocent victims.
Because, in the eyes of the Islam, they're not innocent.
I know a lot of people here, Muslims who I work with, who are on the exact opposite spectrum. They're horrified that someone would murder on behalf of their religion. As for Muslims who live in places like Egypt, I don't really know .
Extreme muslim wants you dead.
Moderate muslim wants extreme muslim to kill you.

No decent person among the Muslims then ? I know and work with many muslims who live their religious beliefs as a personal thing, do not try to impose anything upon anyone and are sincerelly gutted by this slaughter.
I know a fair share of them-normal-muslims from ex-Yugoslav realms.


They're horrified that someone would murder on behalf of their religion

After several decades of rampant Islamic terror against innocent civilians, I find it hard to believe that they "are horrified". They might be against it, they probably are on opposite spectrum as you say, but if they were horrified by this then they are living their lives in total horror because their fellow Muslims are doing this every fucking day somewhere.

The big difference is that your work mates aren't in power. Put them in power, and check back on their next generation. You'll see what happens.
Croats and Serbs and Bosniak muslims are going to work together in complete peace, love and harmony, in Germany for a German business. Give them their own power -> genocide.

Besides, how the hell do these extreme muslims cohabitate in Europe?
There's something in Cro (and I believe in most EU states), directly translated as "legitimation", but that term carries another meaning in English. More appropriate would be "idenfication", but by "legitimation" we refer to time when cop stops you on the street, and asks for your ID card. You must provide that, and you are directly responsible if your current facial look is way different than depiction on ID card.

So, how do Islamistic women, wrapped up in a Sith guard cape, get through this?
No decent person among the Muslims then ? I know and work with many muslims who live their religious beliefs as a personal thing, do not try to impose anything upon anyone and are sincerelly gutted by this slaughter.

Moderate Muslim is a term for itself, coined couple of years ago by United States administration in order to push military aid to Islamic extremists of Middle East.
The term, as is, is a complete brainfuck, because if Moderate Muslims aren't that violent, then "Full Muslims" are completely violent.

I have a family in Sarajevo so no need to lecture me about ordinary people with normal views on life, that are Muslims by religion.
I didn't mean to lecture you, nor to offend you. But why not expressing your opinions this way in the first place ? And I still don't agree with you.
Extreme muslim wants you dead.
Moderate muslim wants extreme muslim to kill you.

This is racism, Zare, and you are hereby officially warned. One more strike and you're out, mate.
Don't fuck around, that's not racism, racism != religious intolerance, and that's freedom of speech and my personal opinion.
Anyways, it's pretty clear from my posts above what I think, so I'll give you no excuse to ban me. I'm over with this topic.

I didn't mean to lecture you, nor to offend you. But why not expressing your opinions this way in the first place ? And I still don't agree with you.

I have firsthand experiences. That's all.
Now something politically correct. Since ultimate untermenschen in Jihad are the Atheists, yesterday I personally felt like a Jew would in early 1930s. Probably. Anyways I'm still quite pissed. But you don't fight this fire with fire.
