By far the most young Turkish Dutchmen (<-- is that the correct way to say this?; perhaps Dutch youth of Turkish origin is better) see Syria-go-ers (people who go to Syria to fight) as heroes, conclude researchers from Motivaction. 90 percent of Turkish Dutchmen between 18 and 35 years finds Syria-go-ers heroes and 72 percent is behind the advance of IS. 80 percent does not find violence from jihad warrior groups against non- or different-believers wrong.
Minister Asscher (Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands and Minister of Social Affairs and Employment) labels these figures as worrisome. Also he stated (among other stuff, but I am not going to translate everything):
"I want to know the truth behind this and therefore will do more quality research. It is dissatisfying that we can't know on the basis of this enquête what's behind this. There are curious results in the research. Next to support for IS there is no support for the califate. So there is support for democracy.
What is clear from the research is that Turkish youth is, other than Moroccan youth, more steered by Turkish media and Turkish politics. You can't forbid them to watch Turkish television but it should be a healthy mix of information that they get. If you look at Dutch media, you can still differ opinion with each other, but you are in the same conversation. If you get into a parallel society it's going to be difficult to make youth defensible. Element of free society is that you don't have to resist media, but you may ask critical questions. Especially when you grow up here and build up your future here."
From young Moroccans "only" 18 percent finds Syria-go-ers heroes. Most others disapprove of violence against non- or different-believers.
source (a report called "Dutch muslim youth and the Arabic Autumn", with much more results) is in Dutch only unfortunately.