European Politics

It has been covered a fair amount here (Volgagrad much more than Schumacher .. though if it was a NASCAR driver, that would be reversed). The main focus seems to be on security concerns for the Olympics with virtually nothing on the motive of the bombers or much depth beyond how the Russians are stepping up security for the Olympics.
Country nr. 18 with the Euro: Latvia.

The relationships between various multinational European organizations and agreements:
According to German TV news and one of the governing parties, Ariana is currently making her way to the airport dressed in a raggy winter coat and a headscarf, pushing a shopping cart containing all her belongings and three of her seven children, accompanied by her five siblings aged nine to forty, and has no greater desire than to cash in on German unemployment benefits.
382 Euros a month, plus 250 per child, and additional housing and other cost except heating and health insurance, plus you can take a job that pays you 400 Euros per month.
Wow, instead of building a fence on the border with Mexico, we need to start building Trans Atlantic cruise ships. Lots more free stuff in Germany than you get in the US
Looks like I'm short of a few chidren to have a decent income. I hope the British offer is more generous.
Maybe you can adopt some 16 year olds ... you get the credit for them and they are old enough to enter the work force
I don't know what you're worried about, according to any news report on immigrants on German TV ever, immigrant women magically become pregnant as soon as they reach German soil.
382 Euros a month, plus 250 per child, and additional housing and other cost except heating and health insurance, plus you can take a job that pays you 400 Euros per month.

Damn free stuff for the invaders, where's the free stuff for people who are already there ;'(