European Politics

it sounds like they provide that to anyone in prison, if that is the case .. it is iffy to deny just him
Wasn't his attack due to political reasons, so letting him study political science seems... odd.

They say they can't deny him the chance of studying, but isn't the idea of prison being that you forfeit your rights? How are they going to provide him with lectures etc.. I assume someone visiting the prison, which is going to be further costs.

Online classes :p
The prospect of being ass raped or beaten to death doesn't sound like much of a luxury to me...
Some college kids say they are already being ass raped with tuition :)

Perhaps this is the new way of doing things - want to go to Uni but can't afford it? Get yourself thrown in prison (but with a far smaller crime)!

There was a woman who published a diary about becoming a prostitute to fund herself through uni she was that determined to go... so I would imagine some would be willing to take a prison hit for it, although it would make getting a job more difficult for them afterwards with a criminal record and whatnot.
Some college kids say they are already being ass raped with tuition :)
I have this argument with friends all the time. They say that the American University system is "better" than the European, because "anyone" can go to college, while in Europe, while "free" you are tracked since elementary school and only the chosen few are placed in courses aimed at going to University while the rest are funnel to technical/vocational colleges.

I have to explain that Europe, like Africa, is a continent, not a country and every country has different educational systems and that while by and large the University is inexpensive, for the most part, if a student has good enough grades, just like in the States, they are allowed to attend. In the United States "anyone" is more closely defined by "anyone who can afford it." You can't afford it? LOANS! after all that is the American Way. Neither system is "better," just different.

Perhaps this is the new way of doing things - want to go to Uni but can't afford it? Get yourself thrown in prison (but with a far smaller crime)!

There was a woman who published a diary about becoming a prostitute to fund herself through uni she was that determined to go... so I would imagine some would be willing to take a prison hit for it, although it would make getting a job more difficult for them afterwards with a criminal record and whatnot.

I Feel that is the crux of the current prison system. Prisoners are left to their own devices to better themselves and most don't. Those that do, after serving their sentences are still branded for life as a "criminal" and opportunities close. There are organizations here in the U.S who actively work in helping ex cons find employment and there are specific companies that strive to help rehabilitate ex cons and aid them in reentering society. For example, here in Tucson I know there is one Subway Restaurant that hires felons.
re college

Yes, it can be expensive in the US, but there are smart ways to do it cheaper. For example, go to a 2 year college to take your basic courses and stay at home. Go to a state school in your state. Most importantly, take a major that will lead to an actual job and have a good understanding of what salary you can expect.

I do think the US has made a mistake de-emphasizing vocational and trade schools. There is an actual shortage of people in many of the trades and that will grow over time.
Not exactly "European" politics I know but there's been a massacre going on in Rojava, made by Al-Nusra Front which is supported by the Turkish government. About 70 civilian Kurds were killed. Our foreign affairs minister called Al-Nusra Front Turkey's friends before because you know, they oppose Bashar al-Assad. Fucking hell, how much I hate our government, you have no idea.
A now declassified speech the Queen of England might have made in the event of World War III ... this is from 1983
Full text of the Queen's speech
"When I spoke to you less than three months ago we were all enjoying the warmth and fellowship of a family Christmas.

"Our thoughts were concentrated on the strong links that bind each generation to the ones that came before and those that will follow.

"The horrors of war could not have seemed more remote as my family and I shared our Christmas joy with the growing family of the Commonwealth.

"Now this madness of war is once more spreading through the world and our brave country must again prepare itself to survive against great odds.

"I have never forgotten the sorrow and the pride I felt as my sister and I huddled around the nursery wireless set listening to my father's inspiring words on that fateful day in 1939.

"Not for a single moment did I imagine that this solemn and awful duty would one day fall to me.

"We all know that the dangers facing us today are greater by far than at any time in our long history.

"The enemy is not the soldier with his rifle nor even the airman prowling the skies above our cities and towns but the deadly power of abused technology.

"But whatever terrors lie in wait for us all the qualities that have helped to keep our freedom intact twice already during this sad century will once more be our strength.

"My husband and I share with families up and down the land the fear we feel for sons and daughters, husbands and brothers who have left our side to serve their country.

"My beloved son Andrew is at this moment in action with his unit and we pray continually for his safety and for the safety of all servicemen and women at home and overseas.

"It is this close bond of family life that must be our greatest defence against the unknown.

"If families remain united and resolute, giving shelter to those living alone and unprotected, our country's will to survive cannot be broken.

"My message to you therefore is simple. Help those who cannot help themselves, give comfort to the lonely and the homeless and let your family become the focus of hope and life to those who need it.

"As we strive together to fight off the new evil let us pray for our country and men of goodwill wherever they may be.

"God bless you all."
This information was released under, what used to be called, the 30 year rule. The UK press coverage of it was actually quite extensive. Must have been a slow news day or something...
I thought this kind of stuff went away with Franco


(Reuters) - Prime Minister David Cameron is "seriously concerned" by reports that Spain may introduce fees at the border with Gibraltar and close its airspace to planes using the British overseas territory's airport, his spokesman said on Monday.

Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo said in an interview on Sunday that Spain was considering a 50 euro (43 pounds) charge to cross the border as well as tax investigations into Gibraltarians who own property in Spain.

Spain disputes Britain's three centuries of sovereignty over Gibraltar, a erritory on the southern tip of Spain that is home to close to 30,000 people with an economy dominated by off-shore banking, Internet gambling firms and tourism.

Diplomatic tension over the territory grew 10 days ago when boats from Gibraltar dumped blocks into the sea to create an artificial reef for fish at the mouth of the Mediterranean. Spain said the reef would block its fishing boats.

Britain has repeatedly said it will not compromise on the territory's sovereignty. Cameron's spokesman said the Foreign Office had summoned the Spanish ambassador to London for talks on Friday to express Britain's concern over the issue.

"We remain seriously concerned by events at the Spain/Gibraltar border," the spokesman told reporters. "We are seeking an explanation from them (the Spanish government) regarding the reports that they might target Gibraltar with further measures."
At this point I am pretty much assuming everyone in competitive sports is cheating to some degree. It is unfair to those who are not, but as more and more is uncovered in various sports nothing really surprises me.
In all seriousness though, I think they are talking about ignoring records pre a certain timeframe; 30 years I think is the suggestion. Sort of like with tennis & the "open era" i.e. you can't compare Andy Murray with Fred Perry, & all that. In athletics some woman's records have been standing for 30 years or so (i.e. they were set in the 80's when loads of people were doping); they don't think they'll be broken any time soon by clean athletes & basically want to ignore them. So I heard on the radio...
I don't understand why people are so shocked by this. The only thing noteworthy about it is that it got revealed at all. These revelations will most likely never take place in the US or Russia, but I'm dead certain the scale was even grander there.

If you think major sporting competitions are a matter of fair sportsmanship with the best competitor winning and the loser gracefully accepting defeat, get real. This is not going to happen with so much money attached to events like a World Cup or the Tour de France, or with so much prestige as with the Olympic Games. No way.

If you look at the results from the Olympic Games in the sixties and seventies, you will notice that four countries kept dominating the top ranks: The US, the USSR, and West and East Germany, the latter after they were split up in two teams after 1968. Does anybody believe that this was because of fair, competitive sportsmanship? This was an ideological battle. The Olympics are a political event, like any international competition. The victors have their national flag raised in their honour, and their national anthem played. This has nothing to do with individual achievement. It's supposed to glorify their nation. If it wasn't, the athletes would compete for themselves. It's obvious especially with the grand attention the Olympics get, that the governments take interest in their athletes doing well. It's especially obvious when you consider what kind of adversaries meet: The US and the USSR. West and East Germany. Countries that were afraid of each other, and had to prove that they are superior to each other. The people watching the games are supposed to receive the message that their athletes can beat the others fair and square, and thus their country is the better one. And more importantly, this is where people from the opposed countries get an uncensored view of the enemy athletes. Thus, the effect of seeing them win is even greater. This is too hot an issue to not try and cheat. It is too important that the athletes win the competitions.

Mark my words: Athletes will always be drugged, as long as the sporting event has commercial sponsorship or political prestige.
You don't sound very enthusiastic that it is revealed. It is just a confirmation that all the commercial sport in the world is rotten?
Or are you annoyed that it dominates your media and parliament?

I'd be happy that this rotten business will be revealed. Maybe new laws or rules will come out of it.

There are many people who want to know what exactly happened. Who are responsible?
Politicians organized and financed this doping for decades. Having the DDR as direct neighbours certainly was a factor.
Do you really think the US have (almost) the same history when it comes to such use of doping?

Mark my words: Athletes will always be drugged, as long as the sporting event has commercial sponsorship or political prestige.
Marked. I agree that people will always use, but every year on a smaller scale. Since it's become a bigger issue (at least in the Tour), controles have been intensified. And there are people who sport on the highest level for their own individual wellbeing. Not everybody uses. People who want to sport in a fair way should have the right to do that, without constant accusations. People are guilty after they've been proven guilty.
You don't sound very enthusiastic that it is revealed. It is just a confirmation that all the commercial sport in the world is rotten?

Yes, to me it's a confirmation of what I have always believed.

Or are you annoyed that it dominates your media and parliament?

Yes, that too. There are more important things to report right now. There are elections coming up this fall, and nobody seems to care.

Do you really think the US have (almost) the same history when it comes to such use of doping?


Since it's become a bigger issue (at least in the Tour), controles have been intensified.

It's been a big issue for many years, and each year the controls have been intensified, and each year there are new drug scandals. Don't you people get tired of that at some point?

And there are people who sport on the highest level for their own individual wellbeing.

Yes, and for their benefit, commercial sponsorship and political prestige should be removed from sporting events.