European Politics

That is a problem everywhere, rapists are not locked up for life ... but you can have some restrictions on a citizen (sex offender lists, etc) after release (not sure if Germany has those or not). You could also make a case that a citizen is someone brought up in that state and it is their problem to deal with them. A bit different from someone who just showed up saying they want to live there to escape some sort of bad conditions and then inflicts bad conditions on their hosts.

It is different, therefore deportation is justified. But not now. Deportation=Death sentence here. Do you think ISIS, Al-Nusra and so on won't hear about Germany deporting people who have left their country back to Syria? These organizations do not like the refugees by any stretch, mind you. They openly call them infidels or betrayers. You can't just drop these people somewhere along the way. They have to enter through the border and I can tell you, entering the border is WAY more difficult than leaving it. Especially in the Syrian border. Because they actually know you're coming.

That's why I'm of the opinion that Germany should keep these criminals locked up in jail for as long as they can, then deport them after things settle down a little. "Settling down" means different things in Middle East than it does anywhere else in the world, you can't really have full safety, but at least it won't stay as big of a war zone it is for eternity. There's no government in Syria, (Well, there is, but that's pretty much de facto at this stage) there's no regulation, nothing. That's why I brought up the Morocco case. Deportation of Moroccan criminals after serving their time in jail is possible, because Morocco is not a war zone. They have an actual government in place.
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It is different, therefore deportation is justified. But not now. Deportation=Death sentence here. Do you think ISIS, Al-Nusra and so on won't hear about Germany deporting people back to Syria who have left their country? These organizations do not like the refugees by any stretch, mind you. They openly call them infidels or betrayers. You can't just drop these people somewhere along the way. They have to enter through the border and I can tell you, entering the border is WAY more difficult than leaving it. Especially in the Syrian border.

Well, if the police were more concerned with catching people who did this (or better yet, stopping it to start with) than arresting protesters after the fact, they could start making determinations of where they came from and what the options are. They (Germany and other countries) are deporting/not granting status to some people already and sending them back in some cases if they do not meet whatever qualifications they have for asylum. Do the same to these people .. assuming they came from Syria to start with .. who knows.
I remember your input from a while back and it looks like you literally cited this outrageous fool! (replace garbage with animals and we're there, aren't we?).

And he's done this as well. How can one be fooled by such a nitwit?:
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Is it just me or does the political representation of all countries keep getting crazier and crazier? I thought us Bohemians were the weirdos, but then I see Donald Trump making fun of a disabled journalist and a Polish politician Nazi-saluting... :huh:
It's getting more and more extreme. Nationalism is going up by the minute.

The Polish prime minister just did her say in the European Parliament. Heard the first 5 minutes and my wife says it's only empty words, explaining nothing of the recent controversial measurements that were taken. Let's see what the whole story is.
Okay, heard the complete statement by the Polish Prime Minister. Analysis: everything she said about the media sounded good (Poland is inspired by media in other European countries), but how realistic is it? She wants to have objective and less political media. But can we believe this if we hear Polish politicians, who say the media should be a mirror of the government? None of this in this meek EU speech.

Not good enough. Let the investigations begin.
He was probably angry at the Germans.

For what? The invasion was in 1939 :p

Jokes aside, the development in Poland does not look good indeed. If what we get to read and see these days is a true (i.e. not skewed) representation of what is going on, Poland is taking steps towards a totalitarian society I thought they, of all European countries, were tired of.

It seems the peak in influx of immigrants to Europe in 2015 has caused the political discourse to be very much dominated by emotions, and those emotions have become very polarized. It's pretty frustrating to witness this, but what can you do ...

According to Wiki, the guy apparently considers women to be inferior to men in intelligence, suggests there's no written evidence for Adolf Hitler's awareness of the Holocaust and that there's little difference between rape and consensual sex.

Problem is not that someone like him exists. Problem is that he received enough support to be an important politician in his country. Received 486k votes in the last election, too.

Is it just me or does the political representation of all countries keep getting crazier and crazier? I thought us Bohemians were the weirdos, but then I see Donald Trump making fun of a disabled journalist and a Polish politician Nazi-saluting... :huh:

Nationalism and racism are on the rise.
I wasn't citing anyone. But I like Mr Janusz and usually agree with him (not always) :p People tend to ignore everything past his loud hyperboles and provocative rhetorics. He should shut up sometimes, I agree... Not because he's wrong, but because the general public won't understand his reasoning that way. They are as ignorant as The Flash in his post above, not even trying to understand or fully listen to.

The salute? Calm the fuck down, everybody. He was mocking. End of topic.

Uh... The hysteria around 'Polish democracy'... I'm so tired of it. The opposition fuels it and of course the EU joined, because the new government is not as EU-enthusiastic as the former one. All the fuss is fight for power. That's how I see it. Totally predictable. Particracy continues. Sadly, that's how it has always been and will be as long as people will vote without thinking. Move along...
They are as ignorant as The Flash in his post above, not even trying to understand or fully listen to.

I didn't claim to know anything. There's a reason the post starts with "According to".

Some quotes from him, published on The Guardian
"Women are dumber than men and should not be allowed to vote". "Evolution has ensured that women are not too intelligent. After all, no intelligent being would last more than an hour a day with a baby and all its goo-goo ga-ga gibberish"

On EU:
"It's a communist project" which is run by "Maoists like Barroso"

On rape:
"Semen probably is not wasted, because nature usually makes use of the material it has, and there is a hypothesis that the attitudes of men are passed to women by way of the semen which penetrates the tissue"

On homosexuality:
"A union between a man and a female chimpanzee is more worthy to be called a marriage than a homosexual relationship"

These quotes are way too direct to be defended as "exaggerations" or "tongue-in-cheek". He's kidding on the goo-goo ga-ga thing and exaggerating on the "hypothesis". But the motivation is still there: Misogyny. He's either straight up trolling, or is an absolute ignoramus dickhead. His thoughts on democracy and Mussolini's behaviour towards the Jews makes him seem nothing short of a fascist at first glance, really.
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I didn't claim to know anything. There's a reason the post starts with "According to"
You were seeking sensation by picking and forwarding out-of-context quotes.

I just want to say it's easy to attack the guy this way. In many cases you would have to watch full interviews to get his reasoning properly. I guess you guys would still be outraged, though...

He's either straight up trolling
Sometimes even that's the case.
I looked him up further. Watched more interviews, speeches and read up more articles. Still looks like a racist, misogynist, homophobic anti-democrat to me. His delivery and word choices are provocative by intention but motives and ideologies are still there.

Calling all leftists communists is enough for me not to take him seriously on a political spectrum. His views on social issues are the more concerning ones. Not directly him, but that there are many people agreeing with him.
I don't speak Polish, but anyone who throws out a Nazi salute in a political forum for any reason should not be taken seriously as a politician.
Turkey is slowly but steadily heading into civil war. Turkey-PKK conflict has risen to levels that we've never seen before. PKK is protecting the places they gain control of by digging ditches and forming barricades. They're also attacking state buildings such as hospitals and schools, resulting in the death of innocent civilians. While on the government side, the government is having problems seperating the civilians from the terrorists, alienating the innocent civilians in the process. There has been various curfews in various cities and people of the region are fleeing their homes during breaks between the curfews.

Don't think there's any going back at this point. United States and Russia both support and arm PYD in Syria because of their fight against ISIS. In turn PYD funnels arms to PKK to help them in their conflict against Turkey. United States refuses to recognize PYD as a terrorist group (Which they are, they've openly announced that their ideological leader is Abdullah Öcalan, who is PKK's founder and leader). This is merely a legitimisation attempt for their support for a free state of Kurdistan without annoying one of their major allies in Middle East in Turkey. Russia doesn't recognize PKK as a terrorist organization anyway.
Is it just me or does the political representation of all countries keep getting crazier and crazier? I thought us Bohemians were the weirdos, but then I see Donald Trump making fun of a disabled journalist and a Polish politician Nazi-saluting... :huh:

I think there's a real trend of playing to the populist crowd, especially via social media. It's become fashionable to be seen as 'telling it like it is' which usually means being un-PC and controversial, possibly deliberately so in some cases.