European Politics

Thinking it a bit longer about this, I find the reactions (not Cried's) a bit odd:

I raised an important issue; but instead of discussing it four people piled in & basically said "yeah, we know Foro...".
In my case, it was just a brief reply to your statement because I didn't (and still don't) have the time to have a proper discussion about this topic.
Sorry, I was picking up on the idea that it might not be getting much discussion (or coverage?) in some areas. I guess you meant it hadn't been discussed much on this forum, rather than around the world in general?
I guess you meant it hadn't been discussed much on this forum, rather than around the world in general?
In my case, it was just a brief reply to your statement because I didn't (and still don't) have the time to have a proper discussion about this topic.
I can understand that.

This is indeed a complex matter. "Just" stopping them at sea (or even before they attempt to cross) is probably difficult and maybe not even a good idea. "Just" letting all in might not be the best (or only) solution. Right wing politicians (in my country at least) are more on the idea of catching the criminals who organize these "trips", and stop the people at sea, as early as possible, with the goal to save lives (save them from possible drowning). But of course, they also hope that less people get into Europe (or just their own country). Left wing politicians are more tolerant towards accepting migrants from countries where it's really hard to live.

The following is a joke of course. Not sure if you find it funny, but I thought it was amusing. :)


Tourists and boatrefugees on the island Kos

"Ah well, I rather lay on Kos next to a few Syrians and Eritreans..... than on Scheveningen* in between the Germans!

*Scheveningen is a Dutch seaside resort
I honestly don't think anyone can come up with a good answer right now.

Quotas or no quotas, there's a chance the UK is going to leave the EU, or at least renegotiate its membership, quite soon. Besides, refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants may have their own idea about which country they're heading for - particularly if others from the same area of origin are already in that destination country and have formed an established community.
particularly if others from the same area of origin are already in that destination country and have formed an established community.
I doubt if people in dire need are busy with this when they try to escape from (e.g.) Eritrea.
Although I know that Greece and perhaps other southern countries are only transfer stations, I am sure they'd find any North/Western country better than staying in their country of birth.

Cameron is eagerly taking part in the mission to get these migrants at sea, in order to hope for having less (or not more) in his own country. Too much of that and people will be send to their deaths if they are forced to stay where they are.
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There are people in immediate danger from oppressive regimes just desperate to get to anywhere in the west, yes, they are the ones who are most likely to put their lives in the hands of traffickers to get into Europe. If the quota agreements open borders sufficiently to allow safe transit it will hopefully stop some of the deaths at sea. But there are definitely patterns in asylum seekers going to certain countries where there are established communities or historical ties, and I can't see how quotas or mandatory resettlement would be enforced in practice, if that's what political leaders expect to happen.

I completely agree, Cameron and other leaders don't want to take a 'fair share' of immigrants entering Europe, humanitarian crisis or not. They have their eye on their own public spending and existing public criticism of immigration.
As stupid as attacking people for cartoons is, using those cartoons to piss off Muslims is pretty fucking stupid as well. If there's sensitivity, you can't just provocate people using that sensitivity, no matter how dumb it might be.