This one worked wonders as a single for the upcoming album!
Usually, Maiden singles aren't my favourite songs on the record, so when they announced the new record and released this single I approached it with caution. But I didn't need to. El Dorado completely blew my mind at the time and still continues to do so.
The bang at the begining worked amazing, which made me question what was the story behind the first song. Later, as an album song this bang doesn't make much sense to me but I still enjoy it due to playfullness of every member that it has. There is a one small second where Steve goes ape-shit on his bass that I absolutely adore (Bruce's chuckle after first bridge also falls into this category). The main riff is really, really heavy; makes me wish I had cabriolet or Harley-Davidson.
What I love about this song is the structure: bang-intro-verse-bridge-verse-bridge-chorus-break(shread those solos)-repeat all. That delayed chorus worked wonders for me because after AMOLAD I was little skeptical about their choruses. But this one just flows! Instead or repeating song title or reinventing the melody in middle of chorus, this one is more like 2 jabs and an upercut! And the bridge before that could stand alone on itself, which can be heard in first part of the song.
Even if the bass galop in intro and after solos isn't anything new for Maiden, this time just seems new; maybe because of the guitar riff, maybe because of the rest of the song itself. Having heard this one live, first time on Europe summer tour in 2010 made me love this song even more - those guitars in the bridge before chorus really "squeled"!
Overall, if I could name best Maiden post-2000 single I would hesitate between this one and Wicker Man (mainly because of the sentimental value that Wicker Man has), but El Dorado just perfectly shows raw energy that Maiden invested into this record.