Dream Theater

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Also, I recently realised how big a grower ADToE really is - from my first "good, but inessential" impression it has grown to become my #3 album, just behind Systematic and SDOIT (and those have the benefit of being older).

What's really weird is the general popularity, since it really is a bit heavy on the wanking side, IMHO.

EDIT: Big GROWER, of course. Otherwise, it's not that big. :facepalm:
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Offtopic, but what is Ruddess doing in your avatar? He looks like he's been held at gun point and told to make a metal pose :D
Or maybe he's trying to pull off a Portnoy... and failing.

:scared: I mean, both of these have great parts bet the best of the last 8 years...

Well, "of the last 8 years" means since Systematic, which a lot of people dislike, so you could say the time period's even longer :D
Seriously, those first 2 choruses of LNF, with that call-answer structure and the progressively longer intermezzo between the lines of the chorus alone are one of the most beatiful things I've heard in music, hands down. Silly, I know, but honest, at least for the time being.

Let alone the "tickle" session. That beatutiful piano intro. In fact, LNF is currently probably my #2 song (right behind This Dying Soul, a longtime favourite). Yes, these days it probably beats In the Presence of Enemies, Octavarium, The Dark Eternal Night and Metropolis in my book. :innocent:

P.S. - This thread definitely could use some Systematic apologetics. Maybe I'll write one. :)
By the way, has anyone else noticed how heavy and how good LaBrie's solo career is? Honestly, he is probably my favourite "solo" member, although he's the weakest link of the band nowadays (IMHO!) That said, although I love Rudess like Daenerys loved Khal Drogo, I like him more as a member of DT and his solo efforts keep me a bit cold (though Feeding the Wheel is really good).