oh man same. but could you amagain craming steve harris, lemmy, ozzy and rob halford in to a room and just say, you guys figure out who headlines. it would be a drunken shit show
agreed!The only problem with that idea is that Sabbath will never ever play below headliner and neither will Maiden.
Also going back to the Megadeth thing, I would argue that Alice Cooper is a lot bigger than Megadeth yet he still supported Maiden just this year!
ya theres a video somewhere of halford talking about how well the thrash metal big four did and that he would like to do one motorhead, priest, maiden, sabbath. and if not sabbath zepplin. ill try find the videoBritish Big 4, I'd love the show but given the 'Big 4' shows already it sounds a bit... I dunno... gimmicky? If it was just a random "We thought we'd get some shit hot support bands!" rather than calling it "Big 4" I'd be happier
Priest, Maiden, Motorhead... I could easily see doing it, although Motorhead are still a pretty huge band they aren't on the same level of attraction as Maiden (nor are Priest these days but I'd argue more than Motorhead) so I'd suspect Motorhead - Priest - Maiden in that order.
Sabbath? No. The albums are great and there's some phenomenal stuff, but given they couldn't even get their 'Reunion' (for the 13432th time) tour going, there's no chance. I also wouldn't want Sharon Osbourne anywhere near it.. and even if Ozzy somehow managed to stop being a mess, you won't get him near it without Sharon in tow.
Can't really think of any other British bands that are on the same scale AND similar time period to those 3. But maybe that's a good thing... bands on the same scale would want headline or longer set at minimum, so you'd be better off with a smaller one like Saxon ^^.
Hmm... counter thought, why British Big 4? The Big 4 is about Thrash not America... so why not just Big 4 heavy metal and bring Scorpions back out of retirementWhat's weird is Maiden is still the youngest band on the list >.>
oh ya. this would be a life changing show but i think as some others has said the only way this could happen is if they where all at a festival.Halford is a huge Sabbath fan so I can understand him listing them in his 'wants', but even if they were properly reunited and touring... I'm sorry but I really don't see Ozzy working with it. Although I'm possibly edging towards Sharon being my biggest objection even still.