Have you considered "Throw Away Children" from Killing The Dragon? Kind of older DIO meets newer DIO.

Actually, yes. Throw Away Children is not a bad song, again very heavy riff, but it has that classic Dio feel in it.

It's interesting that the song Throw Away Children was originally planned for a sequel of the Hear 'n Aid project way back in 1986:

''The song Throw Away Children from this album was slated to appear in a sequel project to Hear 'n Aid but was aborted due to various reasons.''

Maybe this is the reason why it has that classic Dio vibe in it. :) This was a great project with a fantastic purpose and having the stars of the 80's heavy metal and rock bands in one place was amazing. Bruce was not part of the vocalists - that was strange, but it was a great time to live in 80's. :blush:
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I don't know about you guys, but every Dio album cover is top-notch ! I quite like when a hard work is put on a album cover. The Last In Line is amazing artwork !
If I was to make a DIO album of 20 songs spanning his whole career it would look something like this...

1. Man on the Silver Mountain
2. Catch the Rainbow
3. Stargazer
4. Kill the King
5. Gates of Babylon
6. Neon Knights
7. Children of the Sea
8. Heaven and Hell
9. Die Young
10. The Mob Rules
11. Sign of the Southern Cross
12. Holy Diver
13. Rainbow in the Dark
14. The Last in Line
15. Shame on the Night
16. Egypt (The Chains Are On)
17. All the Fools Sailed Away
18. This Is Your Life
19. One More for the Road
20. Bible Black
If I was to make a DIO album of 20 songs spanning his whole career it would look something like this...

without ''We Rock'' and ''Don't Talk To Strangers'' :eek::confused: The best Dio songs that are also epochal for the music in general, not only heavy metal are: Holy Diver, Rainbow In The Dark, The Last In Line and the two already mentioned. A ''best of'' of Dio or for heavy metal is not complete without these songs !
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If I was to make a DIO album of 20 songs spanning his whole career it would look something like this...

1. Man on the Silver Mountain
2. Catch the Rainbow
3. Stargazer
4. Kill the King
5. Gates of Babylon
6. Neon Knights
7. Children of the Sea
8. Heaven and Hell
9. Die Young
10. The Mob Rules
11. Sign of the Southern Cross
12. Holy Diver
13. Rainbow in the Dark
14. The Last in Line
15. Shame on the Night
16. Egypt (The Chains Are On)
17. All the Fools Sailed Away
18. This Is Your Life
19. One More for the Road
20. Bible Black

I'd add Don't Talk to Strangers and perhaps one or two tunes from Dehumanzier, but otherwise I pretty much agree.
Just added to my Amazon digital library today's debut Until Death Do We Meet Again by Dream Child. This is the new band formed by Craig Goldy with Rudy Sarzo & Simon Wright.

12 songs that feature a singer from Argentina named Diego that sounds so much like RJD, my jaw was on the ground! I love how long about half the songs are (especially on the 2nd half of the lp). The shorter songs in the middle of the lp are ok.

There has been no talk of them touring, but I would definitely go see them.

Craig has said he wanted to create a lp of new music similar to Dio era Rainbow. The opening track (video is below) is a straight rocker but the better songs are more moody.

Just added to my Amazon digital library today's debut Until Death Do We Meet Again by Dream Child. This is the new band formed by Craig Goldy with Rudy Sarzo & Simon Wright.

12 songs that feature a singer from Argentina named Diego that sounds so much like RJD, my jaw was on the ground! I love how long about half the songs are (especially on the 2nd half of the lp). The shorter songs in the middle of the lp are ok.

There has been no talk of them touring, but I would definitely go see them.

Craig has said he wanted to create a lp of new music similar to Dio era Rainbow. The opening track (video is below) is a straight rocker but the better songs are more moody.

Anyone else recognize the intro as the theme song to The Exorcist?
Strictly speaking it's Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells from 1973, his first solo work. It was used as the theme for the Exorcist though, yes ;)

Yeah, I bought that years and years ago, as a result of hearing The Exorcist theme tune, and also due to the status of "classic album". To be honest though, I have always been pretty underwhelmed when listening to the whole thing (even though I have tried and tried)
I hope I do not go off topic too much, but this melody sounds a lot like Tubular Bells as well and is classic film music as well: