I just re-read this thread, and I'm going over it again step-by-step.
The premise: no5 says that Gadaffi is a good man. He takes care of his people and is a good leader.
LC and I challenge that by stating the facts that Gadaffi tortured and killed people. By these facts, we permit ourselves the judgement that Gadaffi is a bad man and put it up for challenge.
However, instead of challenging that argument, no5 sets up the first straw man by asking us to find someone better in the Arabic world. Zare comes in and sets up the next straw man by stating that Clinton -probably as an archetype of western leaders- isn't better than Gadaffi.
However, the original argument, that Gadaffi tortured and killed and is therefore a bad man remains unharmed.
Instead of challenging LC's, Foro's and my points, no5 maintains his straw man, that you need to compare, and says that unless you challenge his straw man, he quits the discussion. However, the original argument, that Gadaffi tortured and killed and is therefore a bad man remains unharmed.
LC and I try to point out that he is using a straw man argument, and that our original point remains unharmed. no5 ignores that.
no5 then goes on to describe the good deeds that Gadaffi has done. The third straw man. However, the original argument, that Gadaffi tortured and killed and is therefore a bad man remains unharmed.
Although LC and to an extent I try to bring the discussion back to the point, and although LC asks no5 to give up his straw man and challenge the original point we have made, it starts getting personal. However, the original argument, that Gadaffi tortured and killed and is therefore a bad man remains unharmed.
LC and I again describe in detail what our original argument was. And that it remained unharmed. However, instead of challenging it or appreciating it, the fight against straw men continues. And for some odd reason, Foro picks it up, without provocation and without proving anything. However, the original argument, that Gadaffi tortured and killed and is therefore a bad man remains unharmed.
And then Zare jumps in and sets up the fourth straw man, basically a continuation of the second one, that we are not entitled to discuss this, because we are from the west. However, the original argument, that Gadaffi tortured and killed and is therefore a bad man remains unharmed.
And then Foro suddenly claims that the discussion has been something else all the time.
LC and I made one argument at the beginning of this discussion, and that remained unchallenged and unharmed. Instead, people started fighting straw men for their own convenience. I'm tired of this, and I'm not going to continue this, unless people renounce their straw men and challenge the original point, or openly state that they in fact want to talk about something else.