Deep dark secret

Hey, I'm up for a coalition!  I do have a pain throbbing... funny that you mention it....

As far as limp and linkin, they each have a song that i really like... with Limp, the words "its just one of those days, when you don't wanna wake up, everything is fucked and every one sucks-- you don't know why, but you want to justify ripping someone's head off"... I think i posted that before somewhere else, but when dealing with the public on a daily basis, i feel like that a lot.

Linkin has a song, goes something like "I try so hard, and got so far, but it doesn't really matter"-- words to that effect-- reminds me of why i got divorced!  but the beat is fun, and its easy to run to.
wasted155 said:
Hey, I'm up for a coalition!

Speaking of that...

I think the German government is doing a good job.

How's that a Deep, dark secret? Try saying that at my university, which is the one that started the German student movement of '68...
Perun, I'd try saying it there. For some reason, Germans have always liked me pretty good. I would bank on that for not getting killed.

Another dirty confession: Lisa Loeb glasses really turn me on.

Deano said:
Perun, I'd try saying it there. For some reason, Germans have always liked me pretty good. I would bank on that for not getting killed.

I said it there, and I'm telling you, if looks could kill...
Well, based on my VERY limited experience in Germany itself, I agree with you. I like how your country is taking care of itself. I hope to live there for a few years in the near future.
Deano said:
Well, based on my VERY limited experience in Germany itself, I agree with you. I like how your country is taking care of itself. I hope to live there for a few years in the near future.

Then I recommend you Berlin. It's the greatest town on earth. And most importantly, I'm there! ;)

My point only is that German students are usually very, very leftist. Which isn't bad by definition, but for some reason, German leftists have this disease that they're only whining and complaining, but offer no solution. Which is why I consider myself non-aligned, politically.
Well, you know I wouldn't have much choice in the actual city that I go to and it would more than likely be Stuttgart. As you are aware, I'm sure, I'm not very good at sitting still however; and I would be all over Germany and Europe as a whole as much as I possibly could.

Leftist are the same everywhere, I try not to align myself politically either, but you are exactly right. The whining and complete lack of motivation for action is extremely annoying.
Yeah, I know that feeling. The only thing that keeps me from spending every night in a different place is the lack of money.

I've only seen Stuttgart from the train. It's a very interesting city from what I saw, as it's situated in a valley. Other than that, there's little I can say about it.  :S
No problem there, I could only tell you with any authority at all about probably 20% of the US taken as a whole. If I do end up in Stuttgart, I will make Berlin my first trip. I have no doubt about its status as one of the best cities on Earth.
Let me know when you're here. You'll get to eat the best fast food in the world. ;)
Whilst on the subject of dodgy bands, I *ahem* quite like Slipknot. :S
Let me know when you're here. You'll get to eat the best fast food in the world.

I certainly will, though as far as food, my first mission is to severely overdose on all things cabbage.
Never visit Germany without having a bit of the old Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut  :D

I did enjoy the knobi-brot and currywurst at Wacken immensely as well. Now shoot me for knowing next to nothing of German cuisine  :blush:
I'm talking about Currywurst. Not the type of Currywurst you get at festivals or in a cafeteria or a restaurant. I'm talking about the type of Currywurst you only get in Berlin.
Onhell said:
I love The Final Countdown :D

I hate Europe. I always have and always will. The final countdown is one of the most over-rated and over-playes songs on Swedish radio and televison *puke*. Swedish music? In Flames, Hammerfall but never, never, ever Europe. Go look for old recordings of Electric Boys instead, early 90s hairmetal, but really fun and heavy.

Lynyrd's best songs, Gimme back my bullets with Kid Rock and That's how I like it.
Eclipse said:
I Love Motley Crue and Poison. It's perfectly normal to me. But to other people  :ninja:

The only two hair metal bands I listen to.

wasted155 said:
Linkin has a song, goes something like "I try so hard, and got so far, but it doesn't really matter"-- words to that effect-- reminds me of why i got divorced!  but the beat is fun, and its easy to run to.

I heard that song playing on the radio early in the century.  My g/f at the time was into them.  I found their style catchy, so I got into it -- for about a day or two then the catchiness became too formulaic and poppy so I got bored. 