Death Of The Celts

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I don't even remember the solos, but sure sounds like



And I think by far this album highlights the three amigos’s strong suits. With very rare exceptions Janick will never have solos as good as the other two, but that’s okay because usually he still ends on a high note and he brings across plenty of energy (and live is just a treat to watch). Dave either warbles about doing Dave-isms but when he really tries he can really still nail his shit, just like here. Meanwhile, Adrian, the best guitarist, always slides in just to show the other two how it’s done… although somehow here Dave still ends up being the best of the bunch. But it’s pretty close between both of them throughout the rest of the album because Adrian never disappoints and Dave really stepped up big time again.
I've noticed more people coming around to liking DoTC more as time goes by.

I feel like I"m still missing the boat. I do enjoy the song, but there hasn't really been any areas that have grown on me (as every other song on the album has) over time.

Is there anything I may be missing - something that just crept up on you after say the 20th listen to Death of the Celts?
I've noticed more people coming around to liking DoTC more as time goes by.

I feel like I"m still missing the boat. I do enjoy the song, but there hasn't really been any areas that have grown on me (as every other song on the album has) over time.

Is there anything I may be missing - something that just crept up on you after say the 20th listen to Death of the Celts?
The four Harris penned epics are my favourites on the album.

I find listening in the car to disc 1 on repeat gets a little boring, listening to disc 2 on repeat never gets boring.
Here we go, the epic Harris trilogy. The thing I love about these three epic tracks is that they each showcase a different element of Maiden that I love. I was saying since TBOS was released that on the 17th album Steve may want to top Bruce's ambition with Empire of the Clouds. He kinda did, although he took the approach of writing three epics rather than one big epic. I like it because we get more variety that way.

As for Celts itself. The Clansman is one of my favorite Maiden songs. The nonstop onslaught of melodies throughout the song mixed with the soaring choruses kinda creates the model for a modern Maiden epic. Celts takes that model and, somehow, improves upon it. Sure there's no giant "FREEDOM!" chorus, but they did that already. Instead we have something darker, more thought provoking, older but aged gracefully. I love the riffs throughout this song and each solo is incredible. Every guitar player used to their fullest strengths. The lyrics depict a grimmer setting and one that is more ambiguous (in a good way) and personal. The melodic material is so close to The Clansman that I'm actually surprised that they didn't reprise any of the riffs, although they come very very close in a few spots. It's so rare to have a Maiden song that feels like a sequel to an earlier track but also without feeling that there's recycled material. This is probably my favorite on the album and could make my top 10. 10.
Not a fan of this one. I'm really surprised they played it live. I don't like the static drum beat and the sluggish tempo. The Clansman is a much better song.