First of all, SpuddleZ, I sincerely hope that your keyboard and/or operating system are broken. If you have no such excuse, then your usage of the letter 'z' in place of the letter 's' violates our [a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\']forum rules[/a], which state:
While the occasional lapse in grammar, capital letters etc. are common place, we ask you NOT to speak using 'txt spk' or '1337'.
That rule is meant to cover all instances of deliberate misspellings, except those done with obviously humorous intent. The moderator of this forum, Maverick, is known to have notoriously low tolerance for the type of post you just made.
Regarding the production on DoD: I have no trouble distincly hearing all the parts, except for possibly the opening of "Wildest Dreams". Even in that case, I don't think it's a fault of the production; it's a flaw in the composition. With 3 guitars, it's very easy for one instrument to intrude on the sonic space of another. When the guitar parts are highly similar without being perfectly identical, the result can be a muddy sound.
When DoD came out, I had just seen Maiden very recently (only a couple of weeks before the release). My first reaction to the album's sound is that it sounded very much like Maiden's live sound from the GMETID tour. I think that's what the band was going for: a live sound, not an overly-processed sound.