Creepy Maiden lyrics

Some Maiden lyrics are particularly intense. The line "a glimpse of the future/a cannibal state" from Man On The Edge has always brought all sorts of Orwellian, Terminator-like scenarios of technologic decay and mind control and whatnot to my mind. Are there any lyrics that creep you out?
What you see is not real, those who know will not tell

Makes me think of all those things we see in the evening news or read about in the papers that has close to no coverage of what is actually happening in the world. Like the whole world talking about North Korea's or Iran's nuclear programs, but forgetting that there are actually people in those countries who have quite different worries.

Silent screams laughing here, dying to tell you the truth

I can't help but think of a rack of skulls from Cambodia, Rwanda or Bosnia when I hear this.

Look into our face reflected in the moonglow in your eyes
Remember you can choose to look but not to see and waste your hours
You believe you have the time, but I tell you your time is short

Finally, these lines always make me shiver. All the potential that is wasted by mankind.
The demon in your mind will rape you in your bed at night.

Doesn't creep me out as much as make me wonder just how fucked up in the head you have to be to start a song like this  :bigsmile:
I always thought Moonchild, the entire song is really intense both musically and lyrically.  And Bruce's delivery is so full of piss and vinegar it's amazing!
The dream is true...

It's been a guide for me, to trust my feelings about a situation /person over pure logic. One should not present his feelings to the others as an argument, but at least he should trust them inside himself. Especially when in the terms of his experience, they're mostly correct.
Have you heard what is coming to us all?

This line makes me think of the kind of things you see and hear from TV regarding terrorists and political enemies. Or about global warming, war, and a thousand other "menacing topics". Maybe feeding fear and anxiety to people is an effective way to control them?

Black holes in his golden stare

An otherwordly image. Just trying to picture it in my mind makes me kinda uneasy. Sounds like something off the Book of Revelations.

Dusty dreams in fading daylight flicker on the wall

This line just seems to be saying "everything is lost".
Just one of them is the intro to Benjamin Breeg.  Also the lyrics to Prowler are creepy but in a different kinda way  :lol:
I've never really felt any of their lyrics to be "creepy" but probably the most gruesome lyrics Maiden have penned in my book would be:

"Peeling the skin from his eyes" from Children of the Damned.
I would have said the Moonchild lyrics as well. I second the Children of The Damned too...

The lyrics to The Edge of Darkness are pretty chilling too and the song has an oppressive atmosphere that makes them even more sinister..

Here I am the knife in my hand
And now I understand why the genius must die

Now I stand alone in darkness
With his blood upon my hands
Where sat the warrior the poet
Now lie the fragments of a man

I've looked into the heart of darkness
Where the blood red journey ends
When you've faced the heart of darkness
Even your soul begins to bend
Funny I didn't think of this one before:

When you've faced the heart of darkness, even your soul begins to bend.
  "Someone chasing..I cannot move.  Standing rigid, a nightmares statue"  These are the lyrics that get me.  I think we've all been in that nightmare.  "A nightmares statue"  whew.  creepy. 
I think "Well, you see me crawling through the bushes with it open wide..." is the definition of creepy.