Create your own Iron Maiden setlist!

If this is from London '06, I was there... and it actually was one of the most memorable moments on a Maiden gig I witnessed.

But I'm sure it wouldn't be able to beat 150-157. Nothing would make for a more memorable live moment than inane P3 Radio babble followed by a 73-minute audio biography of the band.
If this is from London '06, I was there... and it actually was one of the most memorable moments on a Maiden gig I witnessed.

I actually thought it should be that one. But wouldn't it be cool if every time you played this track, ut caused a real power outage? How heavy metal is that?
A metal song triggering a blackout whenever it is played? I guess we could call that black metal.
If this is from London '06, I was there... and it actually was one of the most memorable moments on a Maiden gig I witnessed.

But I'm sure it wouldn't be able to beat 150-157. Nothing would make for a more memorable live moment than inane P3 Radio babble followed by a 73-minute audio biography of the band.

153 - 57 that's the In Profile CD right? Part of the Eddie's Head box set.


But yes hahaha, would be very exciting live :D:D
Yeah. If you're in the need for a Maiden biography and Mick Wall's book, the history DVDs, 12 Wasted Years, the '98 remaster bonus blurbs and the recent feature in a metal magazine of your choice don't cut it, you may want to seek it out.
22 - The atmospheric Blade Runner theme fades out and a roadie places a stool centre stage. Blaze Bayley walks out to thunderous applause, sits down and fields questions from the crowd for the next fifteen minutes. Then the band begins to play Blood Brothers and Blaze exits stage right, leaves the auditorium, jumps in his car and drives home.
I'll do my absolute dream set
0. Doctor Doctor tape
1. Caught Somewhere in Time
2. The Fugitive
3. Prisoner
4. Still Life
5.Die With Your Boots On
6. Infinite Dreams
7. Killers
8. Sign of the Cross
9. Rime of the Ancient Mariner
10. Powerslave
11. Heaven Can Wait
12. 22 Acacia Ave.
13. When the Wild Wind Blows
14. Iron Maiden
--- Encore
15. Dance of Death
16. Where Eagles Dare
17. Alexander the Great
--- Encore
18. Hallowed be Thy Name