
Germs can be passed through the telecommunication wires.
Lots of people are saying this. Just read the books, read the manuals.

Maybe if you could inject bleach under the keys on your keyboard, maybe something like that could be an effective treatment. We should look into that.
Please don't post on here though. Germs can be passed through the telecommunication wires. We don't want MFans infected.
No worries if you:
-Wear a mask when reading Maidenfans and keep safety distances to all members
-Remember good hand and coughing hygiene while handling your phone
-Never post with even mild cold symptoms
-Avoid reading Maidenfans abroad and in large crowds
Hang in there Lamps.

I'm waiting for someone's test result. The said person attended a party with not much people. The other person from a party came in positive without any symptoms. That person had to be tested due to the job line, test was couple of days after the said party and he informed everyone. I've spent some time with the first mentioned since then, but we were out on the street and not exactly in eachother's personal space. That person has had a borderline fever of 37 in the days that came, but that can be due to anything, and in all probability it is exhaustion. So the test should come in tomorrow.