Bruce Undergoes Cancer Treatment (ALL CLEAR AS OF 2022)

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My god. I hope you get well soon, Bruce - no matter what the ramifications on your career are. Just be well.
Wow awful news. Hoping for the best and a speedy recovery.
This was not the best news to wake up to today! I hope he gets a speedy recovery very soon! It does explain why he cancelled his business talk in South America, because it was due to genuine health problems.

It is casting doubts on the Maiden front? I don't want to think about so early on, but doubts are creeping into mind.

Bruce, kick it's arse, alright?!
Chemo and radiology would be considered very 'experimental treatment' for the condition in Sweden at least, and chances of it succeding are low. Which means they are taking a big risk with his career in mind. Surgery is the preferred choice, but patients going through that have serious speech problems afterwards, of course, if they can speak at all.

It is casting doubts on the Maiden front? I don't want to think about so early on, but doubts are creeping into mind.

Doubts? His life is in danger. Chances of him keeping his singing ability are slim. I'd say it's a miracle if we see him singing a full Maiden-set night after night again. Not pessimistic, just realistic after speaking to my mother who works with patients suffering from the condition.
So be it. I just hope he survives and can live a normal life. Singing isn't the big concern here. Maiden have had an extraordinary good run.
Chemo and radiology would be considered very 'experimental treatment' for the condition in Sweden at least, and chances of it succeding are low. Which means they are taking a big risk with his career in mind. Surgery is the preferred choice, but patients going through that have serious speech problems afterwards, of course, if they can speak at all.

Doubts? His life is in danger. Chances of him keeping his singing ability are slim. I'd say it's a miracle if we see him singing a full Maiden-set night after night again. Not pessimistic, just realistic after speaking to my mother who works with patients suffering from the condition.

Beyond Maiden, Bruce seems like a man who really likes to talk/communicate. I am sure he weighed that in his decision along with his doctors.

But given we have all of one paragraph of information, who knows. Sounds like we will find out more in May and hope for the best between now and then
Chemo and radiology would be considered very 'experimental treatment' for the condition in Sweden at least, and chances of it succeding are low. Which means they are taking a big risk with his career in mind.

I did wonder about that. Again, it's all speculation at this point, though, and we can't really conclude anything until Bruce or an official source says it. I work with someone who had throat cancer, and surgery was most certainly put forward as the primary treatment, backed up by chemo. He can talk, but he needed speech therapy.
Chemo and radiology would be considered very 'experimental treatment' for the condition in Sweden at least, and chances of it succeding are low.

Your message looks over-dramatic to me. One pounders the risks and advantages of a treatment and chemo is not "experimental" : its pros and cons are well known, and it works in many cases.
Are you an oncologist?

Can you read?

Your message looks over-dramatic to me. One pounders the risks and advantages of a treatment and chemo is not "experimental" : its pros and cons are well known, and it works in many cases.

In the case of cancer in the throat-area, it is. This is as clear as it gets: they don't want to remove the tumour by surgery, because that's a definite way to end his career, not only his singing but also that where he makes lectures.
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Don't be so dramatic. It was just a small caner sign at the the back of his tongue (NOT THE TROAT) I hop he will be able to sing and performa as usual. But now it's obvious they will not perform this year at all. Do you remember FC postcard with the suggesetion in some anagramic "ON TOUR 2015" - I just think that should be decoded as "NO TOUR 2015".
Yes, probably no tour and no album this year. Under the circumstances, i really don't care about it really. There are things far more important.
I am thinking an album is possible (depending on what/if anything they have already done) but a tour is probably not happening unless it is very late in the year.
Vivian Campbell toured while undergoing chemo (probably much higher doses as well). I know singing and running around takes a higher toll on your body but it’s only February. He’s got several months to recover for a possible late summer/fall tour.
Hopefully, if it's just one small tumor at the back of his tongue, they can cut it out without turning his tongue into Swiss cheese.

So this means a delay for the new album, I'd now guess late fall at the earliest, and that's if everything goes perfect for Bruce.
Wishing Bruce all the best and a speedy recovery! Thank goodness they caught it when they did. Now the most important thing is that he is with his family and has plenty of time to rest and recover.
I am thinking an album is possible (depending on what/if anything they have already done) but a tour is probably not happening unless it is very late in the year.

I don't think they'll want a significant gap between album and the album tour, and they won't definitely release an album without intention of touring it.
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