Bruce Dickinson

He might have seen that 1 guitar is not working after the rehearsals and the poster work might have been done before. He might see it as a risk to tour with one guitarist who have drinking habits. Or Bruce is a narcisist who fires his best man just before the tour for no reason. We’ll never know. (I used narcissist word because Roy also shared a video about narcissists recently)

This is no comment about Bruce because I don't know him. But that would be something a narcisist would very typically do - fire the best team member. Why? To show they can.

Maybe Roy Z is a bit unfair because he gets more and more frustrated about what happened because the tour is so successful.
I think substance abuse is a far more likely explanation than Bruce ego-tripping. Bruce can be a diva, but he's been working with Roy for decades, is clearly happy with the way they cooperate and has been pretty vocal about the touring musicians forming an actual band with him this time, instead of being "just" hired guns.
Watching just a little bit of these interviews, it is clear that Roy Z has a worrying articulation for reasoning and speaking. Maybe Bruce is, actually, preserving and saving his friend's health and, plus, an alcoholic does not admit they are the problem and are always blaming everyone else, specially those who like/love him/her. It's sad 'cos it seems and learning from people who met him, all say Roy Z is a super nice and cool chap. I hope he exorcises the demon alcohol and other ones he might have, for good of everyone and his own.

Check these out:

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Watching just a little bit of these interviews, it is clear that Roy Z has a worrying articulation for reasoning and speaking. Maybe Bruce is, actually, preserving and saving his friend's health and, plus, an alcoholic does not admit they are the problem and are always blaming everyone else, specially those who like/love him/her. It's sad 'cos it seems and friends who know him all say Roy Z is a super nice and cool chap.

Check these out:

It makes me sad to see him in such state. Really sad. The first video I knew before, but especially the last one is hard to take, and even though I don't speak or understand any Spanish it's plain to see something seriously got out of control with him.
What makes things even worse I guess is the fact that, according to Bruce's own mentioning, Roy once was a crack addict out in the streets of L.A. before they first met, so Roy should be even more careful with any kind of substance abuse than a person without such history from the past should be already.
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So "putos" means coward? What does all this have to do with being a coward?
(Just to be sure, because I typed it into Google Translate and it tells me it means "to fuck".)
So "putos" means coward? What does all this have to do with being a coward?
(Just to be sure, because I typed it into Google Translate and it tells me it means "to fuck".)
in Mexican Spanish could be mean motherfuckers, bitches… but I don't know how they talk there or US New Mexico or Texas…
German translation says "Putos" means something like a homosexual prostitute man.
In Spanish from Spain, the word 'puta' is whore, bitch… so its masculine is 'puto' : it's what you say, because it also have that meaning, it's not necessary for the homosexual. It's just for someone who offer her/his sexual services for money.

But I think in Mexican Spanish could mean f**ker, w**ker, son of a bitch… and I think it's what Roy wants to express with that word.
I'm assuming 95% is Roy's. 'Putos', in Roy's context, means 'fuckers', (bunch of) 'motherfuckers', as in betraying him. He's swearing on them.
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So "putos" means coward? What does all this have to do with being a coward?
(Just to be sure, because I typed it into Google Translate and it tells me it means "to fuck".)

I posted the translation here:

Literally, a puto is a male prostitute. As an insult, depending on how kind you are about the person using it, you can either translate it as “arsehole” (nicer side of the spectrum) or “buggers” in the literal meaning (harsher end of the spectrum).
For over 20 years I've dreamed of hearing Chemical Wedding live, and I've long given up hope. Now I heard it, and during the intro, I stood absolutely paralysed, with shiver running down my whole body in several waves, and I swear I'm not exaggerating. I've never experienced anything like this at a concert, not even my first Maiden gig. I know I will remember this moment forever.