Bruce Dickinson

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I agree with this, especially the keyboards.

I will also add that, despite my dislike of certain songs and parts, I find each track to be pretty unique. The album certainly doesn't bleed together (in the way that Skunkworks and TOS do).
I pretty much agree with this. I am mixed on the album after one listen, but I think for a Bruce Dickinson solo album released while he's still in Maiden I would prefer this sort of eclectic mix of songs. I generally enjoyed the album the most when it was being weird - the big exceptions being Shadow of the Gods (heavier) is a clear highlight track and Sonata (weirder) didn't really do it for me. But I like a lot of things about Ressurection Men, particularly with how out of left field it feels for Bruce. I think the album is a grower and like that you can hear a little bit of each Dickinson "era" so to speak. Some Skunkworks, some Chemical Wedding, even some Tattooed Millionaire. It's a more remarkable album than Tyranny of Souls, although the fact that the strongest tracks between both albums were for that Three Tremors project makes me sad that it never came to fruition. Keyboards are a big plus as well, wasn't expecting them to contribute as much as they did.
Also I totally forgot to mention this earlier but Mistress of Mercy sounds so much like Headswitch that it honestly almost felt like they deliberately remade it at first to me. Like, oh they did IESF the Dickinson solo version, here's a Skunkworks tune reimagined to accompany it.
A question perhaps without an answer, but I remember when Book of Souls came out and Bruce was mentioning that Steve actually liked two songs from the demo tape he had given him, Eternity and something else that couldn't be used since it was a Roy Z co-write.

Did we ever find out what that other song was? I want to say it was Nightmares or something but it's entirely possible I just have too much Maiden minutia crammed into my brain. Just curious of anyone knows for sure.

And to Mosh's point above, I agree that TMP is a more remarkable album than Tyranny of Souls. I've never really ever been able to fully get into that one. TMP is at least far more interesting in general I'd say.
Also I totally forgot to mention this earlier but Mistress of Mercy sounds so much like Headswitch that it honestly almost felt like they deliberately remade it at first to me. Like, oh they did IESF the Dickinson solo version, here's a Skunkworks tune reimagined to accompany it.
The funny thing is that the verse riff in Mistress is self-plagiarized and almost identical to the main riff in Freak.
ing else that couldn't be used since it was a Roy Z co-write.

Did we ever find out what that other song was? I want to say it was Nightmares or something but it's entirely possible I just have too much Maiden minutia crammed into my brain. Just curious of anyone knows for sure.
Back then he said the song was called Nightmares, no idea if that's a working title of something that ended up on the album but it also seems like there was a lot of material that was left off as well.

If I had to guess, the based on timeline and what Maiden would actually use, Many Doors to Hell and Fingers in the Wound seem like the only songs that seem like plausible candidates, but I think it's more likely the referenced song just didn't make the album.
Face in the Mirror is so repetitive lyrically that it borders on being obnoxious. The musical ideas are okay if undeveloped but the lyrics... man. Reminds me of Virtual XI.

e: I wish there was more of that heavy part in Shadow of the Gods on the whole album.
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Okay Sonata's like halfway through and I'm checking my imaginary watch. I just don't jibe with this at all. It sounds like it wants to be grand and important but something about it just falls flat. The lyrics aren't really anything special either, despite the hype.

Overall I don't think I'll be revisiting this album in full any time soon since I keep feeling like I'd rather listen to something better.
Okay Sonata's like halfway through and I'm checking my imaginary watch. I just don't jibe with this at all. It sounds like it wants to be grand and important but something about it just falls flat. The lyrics aren't really anything special either, despite the hype.

Overall I don't think I'll be revisiting this album in full any time soon since I keep feeling like I'd rather listen to something better.
What I don't like about sonata is that it feels flat. Like there is not variance.
Ok, so I've given the album some time to grow on me and...

I still like Afterglow. I don't love it, but I like it. Why no love? Because I have issue with how the songs are put together on this album.
I LOVE Fingers in the Wounds. That song is exactly what I was hoping for this album to be. Kinda miss a proper solo but I learned to live with that.
And that's basically it from the positives.

I hear some great, great bits on Shadow of the gods, Mistress, Rain or Ressurection men but the issues arise for me on these tracks... the great bits are overshadowed by bland, annoying, or even cringy parts I can't even stand. It's like he put it together in 10 minutes and said "we're done here, let's grab a lunch". I really have an urge to cut these songs, somehow re-record passages I hate and stitch it back together. vThere'S so much potential.

The rest is complete no no for me. Sonata... What the hell is that? Eternity is (to me - everything here is just my opinion) an inferior version of what he recorded with Maiden, and so on. I'm angry, disappointed, but after all somehow glad I have at least one or two new songs from Bruce I can listen to.
The amount of coverage for a solo album is impressive. Reflecting how huge Maiden are still internationally.

Bruce's 3rd album while in Maiden I think? He has alot of other stuff on....... alot of other bands have more prolonged down periods where they can record solo albums and side projects. Maiden tour pretty much every year I can't think of many other bands whose members have prolific solo careers while the band is active every year as well. Doubtless there are some though.....
The ''reimagined'' bit is curious. Does that mean they could change or add different ideas to some songs on some albums? That would be a big surprise and quite unexpected. For BTP they had some recorded stuff from back then. It's great that he and Roy have so many demos and ideas from all years. For me it's cool when a song from one album sessions is used for another album, nothing is wasted and is a throwback moment in time. I certainly hope so for the song called Nightmares. And it seems they have a good amount of leftovers from the new album sessions.
It means they can add and remove parts, sounds, different vocal takes etc. Doing all this remixing might take a couple of weeks for each album, so Roy will definetly be busy in studio
I have finally my copy now, so I will listen to it in the wee small hours. Finally really excited!

Same, got my vinyl today!

Resurrection Men just ended and frankly, I liked it. It's got some great things and some less so, but I'd expect it to be rather good live track!

Currently at Fingers in the Wounds; really liking it!

I don't expect this album to be among my favourites or anything, but so far, I've very much liked it and enjoyed the album flow.

Might be the magic of the first listen, too...
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The re-imagining of older material and reinserting unused material and recordings is actually a pretty cool project and far more interesting than a simple remaster or remix. Cradle Of Filth released such a re-imagining of their 1998 album Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids back in 2019 and it is the gold standard for remixes/remasters/re-imaginings for me. The original album has amazing music but the original production is widely seen as a horrible failure; the drum sound was so bad that the drummer quit the band (and went on to join Dimmu Borgir). The new version sounds brilliant and you wouldn't know that the album was recorded in 1998. An perfect transformation.

Let's just hope that Roy actually delivers a good project and something very different sounding form TMP's production.