After listening to the album a dozen times:
1) I am VERY happy that I purchased the Deluxe version. I would buy it once more.
2) At the moment, it's hard for me to find a weak point of the album. If I had to nitpick - Eternity has failed...
3)... it's great but I've already heard this song by Maiden and I feel like I'm hearing tribute band now.
4) All songs have that something that makes my go WOW - I hope that Bruce will record another album like that.
5) I like the subtle references to other songs from previous albums.
6) I don't know how to position the album compared to others. Chemical Wedding, for me, is one of GOAT metal albums. Skunkworks is amazing for what it is - Bruce solo album without magical 'maidenize' button pressed. Currently, I think this is a Top 3 album and its position will depend on the mood of the day.
7) After the first listen, I was afraid that the album would be like Senjutsu - difficult to absorb. I don't think so anymore.