Bruce Dickinson

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Umm he was talking about songs he wrote for Maiden. Wasn’t talking about beers.

Agreed on the memory front but come on man, you write one of the greatest ever Maiden songs & how do you forget that.

I know. I was implying he remembers Sun and Steel because he named a beer after it but has not done the same with Powerslave, hence him forgetting he wrote that one. :D

On a side note, Powerslave is probably my favourite Maiden song. A masterpiece!
What kind of women is he surrounded by? :scared:

I hope the lyrics of Sonata won't drive women (except for Leana Dolci, haha) up the walls.
Of course, maybe they are fine, but reading the interview, I would not vouch for it, haha.

Apparently, the most important characteristic of the new songs (many of the new songs) is that one song goes through many not related genres. That is normally very difficult to do in a meaningful manner.
Thx a lot for the translation. From start to end it was a great read! But I didn't get the beginning of the translation, the "editorial" part. Is that your editorial or the mag's editorial? did sth happen before the interview about Senjutsu? or during the interview? was he uncomfortable about a spesific question or didn't wanna answer a Maiden related question... Sorry, I'm confused...
The magazine has an editorial in which the editor-in-chief describes a few things from his point of view and gives an outlook on the content of the current issue.
According to him, the editors were a little nervous beforehand about how good the quality of the interview would be, as Bruce apparently wasn’t too talkative and comprehensive in his interview on "Senjutsu" at the time.
Dergide, genel yayın yönetmeninin kendi bakış açısıyla bazı şeyleri anlattığı ve bu sayının içeriğine dair bir bakış açısı sunduğu bir başyazı var.
Ona göre, editörler röportajın kalitesinin ne kadar iyi olacağı konusunda önceden biraz gergindiler, zira Bruce o zamanlar "Senjutsu" ile ilgili röportajında pek konuşkan ve kapsamlı değildi.

Oh, thanks, got it now. When it comes to Maiden interviews, Bruce has his good days and bad days. When it's about his solo stuff of course he has more good days :)
I think I will check out Rain On The Graves (both song and video) when I have the album in my hands only (ordered all three formats = vinyl, regular CD and deluxe CD). Otherwise there's "only" 8 remaining tracks to look forward to, so I'll keep ROTG to my initial new album dive in.

Video looks suitably tongue-incheek
The riff is nice, heavy and classic sounding. Roy promised heavy riffs and he delivers. Ragnarok's riff is more catchy, but the later half of this one is old-school metal!

It seems the song will be a bit faster than Ragnarok, which is good. It should be imo and could have been even faster (for me), but I guess it's like that because of the heavy approach. I hope for a catchy (and faster) chorus, longer solo and some (short I guess) melody.
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