Educated Fool
Fans like to read positive glowing reviews. I certainly wouldn't buy a magazine or frequent it if they wrote bad reviews of my favourite band.We should never forget that record companies pay a good amount of money to have ads on the magazines where those reviews are published and that is the main reason why those magazines still exist.
I used to naïvely believe the reviews I would read on metal magazines. Then I met someone who used to edit one of them. We became friends and I learnt from him how things worked, from small bands having to pay an amount of money to be interviewed, to record companies buying ads that would guarantee excellent reviews for their artists.
There are a couple of YouTubers called Lost in Vegas. They seem to like everyone except Iron Maiden. It's probably the reason I don't listen to them any more. They say they don't like Bruce's voice, but then they listen to and like plenty of bands whose singers are objectively much much worse than Bruce. I don't get it.
But if they did glowing reports on Maiden, I'd probably watch them, It's just a fact of life.