Bruce Dickinson

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The track sounds a bit like No Surrender by Judas Priest. I can’t help but after listening o it, No surrender plays in my mind for some reason.
I think that song is ok but speaking parts sometimes feel out of the rhythm. Not a bad song but, for me, at level of shoot all the clowns. Love it but I will probably forget about it in next 5 months.
I am blown away by the quality of music -production -video of Rain on the Graves. Roy Z delivers in every aspect and the bass player is too good looking.
One of the best musical videos I've seen. And I worship the song too.

My excitement and awe are AMOLAD and Chemical Wedding level. There's a serious possibility that we have a masterpiece of an album coming.

I want some of the drugs you have been taking!!
So far, all of the music feels lazy to me, TBH. I hear Bruce saying how long these songs have been worked on and I feel more like they've simply been laying around, waiting to be collected. No one was actively working to make these songs better until Bruce finally decided to put the album out.
I guess Bruce is much more capable of delivering the goods when there is a time pressure attached to the release than when he can spend nearly 10 years working on an album.
I assumed a similar scenario. We'll see about the album, but both songs feel rushed and ''lazy''. One would expected more interesting/different parts from Bruce and Roy for songs over 5 minutes; They've proven themselves before.
In Wikipedia it says the album was recorded in 2019-2023, and I think they worked on the songs only during that period. Plus they have songs from three previous writing sessions. They just wanted to finally release the album. Bruce said something along those lines. Again, why would they record when Roy had a problem?

About the time pressure, it's odd, but it's possible and it works for Maiden. TOS was written and recorded in 2003-2005 and Bruce wrote the lyrics while on tour with Maiden, so it's very possible.

TMP is Bruce's longest album, so I really hope it will deliver with interesting and longer instrumental parts.

... one of the listed genres is Hard Rock!?
Is anyone interested in Roy Z? There was an interview with him in Metal Hammer Germany, too.
Of course.
I bet more effort has been put into the comic than into the album.
That's very possible.
The feeling is that these songs were laying around for too long....and than CLAP ,CLAP we have two weeks let's make an album coz everyone asks me about it during my spoken words...
And because there is time for a solo tour again.
These new tracks are easily better than at least half of those two albums, IMO.
I agree.
Sacred Cowboys has a spoken verse but a stronger chorus;

I hope the rest of The Mandrake Project is more like AOR than Rain.
Sacred Cowboys is a gem. And I also hope the album is more like Ragnarok's style.
Aren't the two songs we've heard newer compositions? I would say If Eternity Should Fail wipes the floor with all of ToS, so if there is more material on that level perhaps from the 2013/14 version of the album maybe the quality will pick up. Both of these singles probably would rank in the lower quartile of Bruce's discography for me though.
Rain is from 2014. I'm sure the other songs will be stronger, but some interviewers said they really like Rain...! Ragnarok is new and it's solid enough for me. I just hope the experiments to not be that big. From the interviews, 5 of the songs will have!
Yeah I was thinking of El Dorado where it worked.
El Dorado is a spot on example.
I think that song is ok but speaking parts sometimes feel out of the rhythm. Not a bad song but, for me, at level of shoot all the clowns. Love it but I will probably forget about it in next 5 months.
Yes. No way. The chorus really stucks.
The track sounds a bit like No Surrender by Judas Priest. I can’t help but after listening o it, No surrender plays in my mind for some reason.
No Surrender is my fav song from Firepower so when I say I don't hear the similarity I really mean it. It's like these songs couldn't have been more different. I mean no disrespect, but what part sounds the same to you?
It appears that I'm also in the minority(?) that really likes the new single!

It's not a mind-blowingly amazing song or anything like that in my book, but I found it very enjoyable and intriguing on it's own right. Afterglow of Ragnarok was a nice one too, but somehow I might even prefer this one. Then again, Afterglow of Ragnarok wasn't quite as strong game opener as I would've hoped (as much as I liked it anyway), so with that out of the way I also didn't hold any immense expectations for Rain on the Graves; I was just very excited and curious to see what we'll get and while I had a few "ehh?" moments with the first listen & watching the video, I was... Quite pleased with it.

I don't know, I've become probably a bit too positive and boring with my views (or lack of strong opinions, really :D) on these things. I have noticed that I tend to actively like, and find things to liken in, songs and albums as they are without too much emphasis on what I'd wish them to be.

That being said, I totally get why people find these two songs, or just the other, underwhelming and I even agree to most of the raised points; while I personally try to avoid the comparative approach with the previous (amazing) albums, I agree that these two, particularly Afterglow, aren't exactly top-drawer Roy & Bruce material, but then again, hearing them on a album context might change things. They might sit on the album just fine, but I hope they're not among the strongest songs for that matter.

Anyway, I find myself enjoying Rain on the Graves a lot! The mix sounded a bit muffled on the video, especially the end of the chorus, but when listening with a better sound system or headphones it appears that there's a somewhat clear panning from left to right on "let it wash your soul from dying..." part, where as when watching the video it just sounded like the vocal levels suddenly got just turned down a lot.

The other small complaint I have is that I've found the final chorus being slightly anticlimactic; nothing wrong with it per se, but I think the song has pretty good tension and build-up until the end of the final verse and then it just kind of fades out with slightly modified repeat of the chorus, where as I think they could've given it some more emphasis with different mixingn& arrangemental choices.

Then again, this is one of those things that might work on the album very well, depending on the songs Rain on the Graves sits in between! It also closes the Side A of the vinyl, so yeah, I suppose it works.
for me Afterglow is a very strong song, and Rain is like in the category of wildestdreams/finalfrontier/differentworld, meaning an "OK single". sad part is... there are 8 songs left. one of them is the new versiyon of if eternity, and one (sonata) is based on a beethoven sample... so altough i'm really interested in these two, there are only 6 "all new" songs left :(

i was thinking for all those years they saved more songs (there was a rumour that the album was gonna be double album...).
but let's see. still hanging on martin popoff's "masterpiece" and "favorite bd album" comments...
I think that song is ok but speaking parts sometimes feel out of the rhythm. Not a bad song but, for me, at level of shoot all the clowns. Love it but I will probably forget about it in next 5 months.
That is because some of the vocals are out of rhythm. Same phrasing issues he had on Senjutsu and I had hoped that he would record a few more takes to avoid stuff like that. What a shame.

... one of the listed genres is Hard Rock!?
Well, first of all the album hasn't released yet, so no one can accurately judge it. We can only go by descriptions. I could go to the wiki page and edit it, saying that the album is hyper-pop mixed with djent. Doesn't make it true ;)

Secondly, how is that surprising? There are interviews where Bruce himself described some of the songs as being rock, not metal. Rain On The Graves itself songwriting-wise is more hard rock than metal; it just has a heavier production. Given what Bruce has said about the rest of the album it should be clear by now that we aren't getting an album in the vein of TCW or TOS. That's not a bad thing inherently, you don't have to write heavy metal for a song to be good. I just hope that the rest of the album is going to be good, regardless of genre (though I can already see Sonata being an absolute train wreck lol). Only time will tell.
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No Surrender is my fav song from Firepower so when I say I don't hear the similarity I really mean it. It's like these songs couldn't have been more different. I mean no disrespect, but what part sounds the same to you?
So melody-wise they’re distinct but I find the verse section of No Surrender sounds a bit like the 1st minute instrumental section of Rain. The section just before the chorus that is.
I really cannot go into these two songs. Finally, Ragnarok is better than the second track. Because of its relative heaviness and its little progressive side. I'm wondering how the album will look like...
Agreed man. Ragnarok for me too. Just love the light & dark transition in Ragnarok albeit many saying it’s just too abrupt. Besides, Ragnaroks lyrics are more Bruce like. The drama, death n destruction and light. Bruce himself has said he likes drama & Ragnarok reflects it quite well.
I am blown away by the quality of music -production -video of Rain on the Graves. Roy Z delivers in every aspect and the bass player is too good looking.
One of the best musical videos I've seen. And I worship the song too.

My excitement and awe are AMOLAD and Chemical Wedding level. There's a serious possibility that we have a masterpiece of an album coming.
Honestly, I first thought you were joking.
The first single did nothing for me, and I found the second one mediocre and even embarrassing. The problem is that I have come to like some of his albums and thought this one was going to be fantastic. He oversales it, and I really doubt he has put so much work into these songs.
I'm very glad to hear that Harris is not the only one to blame for Maiden's tendency to repeat choruses.
I assumed a similar scenario. We'll see about the album, but both songs feel rushed and ''lazy''. One would expected more interesting/different parts from Bruce and Roy for songs over 5 minutes; They've proven themselves before.
In Wikipedia it says the album was recorded in 2019-2023, and I think they worked on the songs only during that period. Plus they have songs from three previous writing sessions. They just wanted to finally release the album. Bruce said something along those lines. Again, why would they record when Roy had a problem?

About the time pressure, it's odd, but it's possible and it works for Maiden. TOS was written and recorded in 2003-2005 and Bruce wrote the lyrics while on tour with Maiden, so it's very possible.

TMP is Bruce's longest album, so I really hope it will deliver with interesting and longer instrumental parts.

... one of the listed genres is Hard Rock!?
Excuse me. Which Roy's problem are you alluding to? I'm too lazy to read all the pages.