The vinyl vs digital debate is missing a pretty important factor: mastering. Sometimes the version of an album that appears on vinyl is different than the digital version, especially if the album was released prior to CDs. A lot of original CD pressings will be the best version available of an album from the 80s or earlier because no clicks/pops/surface noise, but a lot of remasters (which is what most digital albums on itunes and spotify are sourced from) are very compressed and inferior masters. With more recent albums that are pressed for vinyl, the quality is all over the place. A lot of record companies know that most people are buying vinyl for aesthetic reasons and not sound quality so they get away with lazy (and sometimes even lossy) transfers. So in those cases the vinyl is actually worse than a digital or CD version. Sometimes the vinyl is handled with care and is just as good or better than the other formats.
Maiden has been pretty mixed so far, I think TBOS is marginally better on vinyl (not quite as loud). A lot of the 1998 CD remasters are awful, most of the vinyl I've heard are better than those. Number of the Beast sounds really dull on vinyl, but the recently released CD doesn't have that problem. Dance of Death sounds fantastic on vinyl. Haven't listened to any of the other recent CDs so I can't speak to them.
For Bruce, Accident of Birth/Chemical Wedding had subtle distortion issues that are resolved on vinyl. Tattooed Millionaire sounds great on the original CD, but awful on the remaster. That was also fixed with the vinyl.
It's just a case by case thing. When vinyl is superior it's usually because they fucked up on the CDs/digital versions, not because vinyl has an inherent quality that makes it better. As for streaming, if you have spotify premium, you can stream at 320kpbs which is as good as music can sound unless you're an audiophile listening in an acoustically treated room on high end equipment. If you think one format is universally better all the time, I'm sorry but you're listening with your eyes. I will say that all things being equal, my ideal format is a well mastered CD because it can be ripped lossless and then converted to any format afterwards while preserving all the lossless data. But of course there are a lot of caveats to that.
Also, the plural of vinyl is vinyl.