Bruce Dickinson vs. Axl Rose: who's the best?

In Mick Walls GnR bio it mentions that things weren't all rosy when they supported Maiden in NA in '88.

That is all interesting stuff, thanks for posting. I suspect that 2017 Axl Rose would have a different opinion than 1988 Axl Rose. I said plenty of stupid/arrogant shite when I was that age, and I didn't have half the world buying my record and telling me that I was the second-coming of Christ. I don't understand the criticism of rock stars as being arrogant (especially young ones) - the personality type seems almost a prerequisite.
I nearly prefer them to be 'characters,' makes for better reading.
RE Axl having a different opinion now than in 1988, I wager that his opinion on Maiden may be delivered with more tact but Id say that he still isnt a fan of cardboard icebergs.
The 1988 interview I seen, he specifically went out of his way to say that he thought they were good guys but that it was musically not what he was into. Can't remember the exact phrases but the gist was he stereotyped Maiden as being about fantasy and dungeons and dragons, whereas as GNR are about the real world. I'd be surprised if this opinion has changed.
The 1988 interview I seen, he specifically went out of his way to say that he thought they were good guys but that it was musically not what he was into. Can't remember the exact phrases but the gist was he stereotyped Maiden as being about fantasy and dungeons and dragons, whereas as GNR are about the real world. I'd be surprised if this opinion has changed.
I guess he really hadn't listen to Maiden then. He was just cooking the brownstone!
The 1988 interview I seen, he specifically went out of his way to say that he thought they were good guys but that it was musically not what he was into. Can't remember the exact phrases but the gist was he stereotyped Maiden as being about fantasy and dungeons and dragons, whereas as GNR are about the real world. I'd be surprised if this opinion has changed.

No he specifically says they're a political band.
Who told this? Marco himself? Or/and do you mean he was one of thousands sending in a tape, trying to get an audtition. Or/and do you mean he auditioned?

It's in his autobiography. Later he heard that Harris commented about the demo he sent: "There was a scandinavic who sounded a bit like the mix of Dio and Bruce." He was rumored to be the fourth option among all. Eventually they wanted a Brit.

I think you should read it more carefully, the book proved that those were just rumours flying around, he was never really considered as replacement, he wasn't placed 4th and never went to even sing there.
The rumours got bigger within the time and so it was great that he finally actually set it more straight in his book. Marco has definitely great voice and it's so evident how much Dio had influence on him.