Bruce Dickinson video interviews / shows

You're welcome! I am really surprised. We need to check out more Bruce shows/setlists to see how rare this was.
Certainly. My old computer used to have a log of known songs in Bruce's setlist, but then it crashed, and I got really lazy, so I never attempted the log again.

I don't remember seeing Strange Death, but I wasn't a huge fan of the song back then, so I could've just skipped over it. I'll check for it later today, though.
Not the greatest sound, but really cool to see such an energetic Bruce, performing his first solo concert in three years. This is live @ Sweden Rock in 2002, featuring the Skunkworks line-up, minus drummer, plus:
on guitar: Pete Friesen (ex-Alice Cooper's band, The Almighty)
on drums: Robin Guy (ex-Rachel Stamp, Rag Dolls)

1. Silver Wings (first ever performance)

2. Back from the Edge (first performance since 1996)
Imo the live performance never matched the studio version because all the great vocal layers and guitar lines are not represented that well (or not at all). Still, awesome to see such a passionate performance.

3. Broken (first ever performance)
A YouTube-user pointed out something cool:
At 1:42, when Bruce moves his hand up in the air, it looks like he generates the hang glider guy with his hand, like out of nothing, with magical powers or something.
I didn't know he did one of those this year, but yeah, there are videos of him in other cities doing those speeches back when he was marketing director for Astraeus. I'd imagine this is about Cardiff Aviation Ltd, since that had just been launched earlier that month.
Here are two clips I stumbled upon the other day, from the German TV station VIVA Zwei. It's Chemical Wedding, Gates of Urizen and Killing Floor, live from 1998. Featuring The Guru instead of Roy Z. Gods, I wish I could have witnessed some of his those gigs... One can hope for the future...

(Sorry if someone posted this before!)
Cool man! Great vids! Adrian's solo in Gates! :notworthy:
And what a powerful voice!

I saw them 20 days later. One of the best gigs I've ever been to.
The huge negative to Maiden getting back together is we are not seeing songs like this live any more.
@ Forostar: I think his voice sounds this powerful because the guitars are tuned way down (which I don't consider to be a bad thing), and maybe Maiden should consider doing it as well because Bruce has started to sound a bit "thin" on the highest notes.

@ Bearfan: Agreed, but the rumors about Bruce's new solo album appear to be true, so hopefully there will be more such stuff.

Also, has anyone ever tried to make a commentary on Bruce's solo albums? Although, the lyrics are for the most part more complex and cryptic than Maiden's, especially those from CW... I tried reading some of Blake's poems on which Bruce based the album (Book of Thel, for example), but I failed to see much of a connection.

EDIT: In response to the first few posts from this page, take a look at this site, the BD Wellbeing Network: There is a list of tour dates and if you click on "Bootlegs/Recordings" there are also setlists available from all tours. Apparently the Skunkworks lineup really was previewing the songs from the album: "The biggest difference is that on this "Balls to Picasso" tour part II they were previewing unreleased material that would end up on the "Skunkworks" album."
I am down with a new Bruce solo album, but I really want to see a tour of some kind (though I doubt it would be in the US) .... I caught him live 3 times as a solo artist and his songs ust kick ass live. I'd like a shot to see that again. In a perfect world, maybe an album and a tour similar to what Steve just did with British Lion ... but not until 2015 when I might be in Europe again :)
Comment from YouTube uploader:
This June, 1998 interview with Bruce Dickinson was just before the July 1998 release of his 5th solo album The Chemical Wedding. Bruce played the album for me 15 mins before the interview. Bruce talks about Samson, Arthur Brown, Clive Burr, Thunderstick, Mel Gaynor, Iron Maiden, Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, The Death of Cozy Powell.
Comment from YouTube uploader:
This June, 1998 interview with Bruce Dickinson was just before the July 1998 release of his 5th solo album The Chemical Wedding. Bruce played the album for me 15 mins before the interview. Bruce talks about Samson, Arthur Brown, Clive Burr, Thunderstick, Mel Gaynor, Iron Maiden, Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, The Death of Cozy Powell.

Good interview ... thanks for posting
You're welcome! I thought it was very good indeed and recommend it to everybody. I only didn't like the moment when the interviewer was so negative about Maiden without Bruce (didn't like the "argumentation", or better, lack thereof). Bruce handled it well, though.