Best/Worst Music of 2013

Haha, hadn't heard that song before, and I must say it's pretty terrible. Just one look at the chorus should be enough. For those that haven't heard the song, the chorus is in the spoiler below.

You're an asshole
Typical human being
You're a sucker
Sucking out energy
Typical human being
You motherfucker
Stupid shit you make me flee"
I listened to Asshole now. Whoever greenlighted this should be tied up by his balls. Even by Helloween standards, that song is abominable.
Sascha Gerstner wrote it and the album was produced, engineered and mixed by Charlie Bauerfiend. I guess they're to blame.
I almost finished listening to the whole Helloween album (still busy) but Asshole has actually one of the more memorable choruses. Lyrics are ridiculous but the band keeps surprising me with catchy melodies. In general, I find Helloween's music very dynamic, not only compared to other power metal bands but basically compared to most music. I know this is cursing in the church for some but at times their metal has a Rushy touch. The speed and fluency of not only their tempo's but also their riffs is something most bands can only dream of. Just like Gertsner's solos. Top quality stuff.
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Gerstner wrote the best songs on 7 Sinners, and Bauerblabla's production on Gambling With The Devil was amazing. Dunno what happened to them on this new album really. But I'll try and give it another chance, been a while.
I agree with Foro. I can't judge it against the entire discography because I haven't heard all of their albums yet. The albums I do know are the first four, 'The Time of the Oath', 'Better Than Raw' and the three most recent albums. 'Gambling With the Devil' is excellent in my opinion and '7 Sinners' is pretty good where as 'Straight Out of Hell' is mediocre with a couple of highlights.
Atlantean Kodex - The White Goddess


Unsurprisingly, this is the best album of the year. Unsurprisingly, because their debut album, The Golden Bough (2010) was the best metal album of the last couple of years. They are described as epic heavy/doom metal, whatever that means. Truth is that they are very, very, very epic. As in, very, very, very epic. It's hard to describe, my suggestion is that you do the same as I did, and just put on either their debut, or The White Goddess, and let yourself be blown away. Their singer is of the wailing power metal type, but never leaves you questioning about the location of his testicles. Their riffs, I guess, are what gave them the 'doom' label, because they are slow and immensely heavy. Their guitarwork is just beautiful. Lyrically, they have an enigmatic concept going for them, that essentially seems to be about the rise and fall of the European civilisation, but only if you read it that way, I guess.

Listen to it.

I have not listened to that much music in 2013. I have played a lot of guitar, and I've read a lot of books instead. But anyway, my favourite album in 2013 is without a doubt C'mon Take on Me by Hardcore Superstar, released in February.

Doing that right now:

Damn, that singer does not only sound good, but at least as important: the vocal melodies are good! This comment is made in the middle of the first couplet, so I can't judge the whole product yet. But what a start! It stays on during the rest of this calm morning. ;)

Here's the debut: