Re: Best/Worst Iron Maiden albums by Track Position (continuing next BEST Track #8)
The Nomad currently clocks in at #14; Rime at #17.
The Nomad currently clocks in at #14; Rime at #17.
Invader said:I can't believe no one voted for The Edge of Darkness. It's one of the best songs of the nineties, easily.
LooseCannon said:I voted for The Edge of Darkness.
For me, 0 from NPFTD, 1 from FOTD, 1 from TXF, 1 from VXI. Out of interest, what don't you like in the song?Forostar said:I seriously find at least 25 other nineties songs better.
At least 8 from NPFTD
At least 7 from FOTD
At least 8 from TXF
3 from VXI