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SinisterMinisterX said:

Classic  :D

Regarding the "spotted dick" dish, when did the word "dick" come into use as a synonym for penis? Obviously no dish would've been named "spotted dick" if that word already used to mean "penis".

Funny how words can change meaning. I mean, many places the word "fag" used to mean a cigarette ... for all I know, some people still use it that way?
Eddies Wingman said:
Funny how words can change meaning. I mean, many places the word "fag" used to mean a cigarette ...
And a faggot is something you eat.
What is funny is that if you take out one g and add one t, you get the Norwegian word for the music instrument known as "bassoon" in English  :D Derived from Italian.
That same year, Vase de Noces again went before the censors, and was refused classification again. It remains banned in Australia to this day, although it can be downloaded online.

Who wants to be the brave soul to screen it for us? :D