Okay, let's see...
Yeah, Portnoy
was overselling it, but it's awesome anyway. One of Morse's best, possibly, and that's truly an achievement. These two discs go down better than a quattro formaggi pizza. I need more time to assess it more properly, but I really, really liked what I heard.
Maybe not as good as their other work, but I enjoy it all the same. It was a great buy, only those illustrations in booklet are sometimes funny.

Just don't compare it too much to
Oden on Our Side or
Thunder God and you're in for a treat.
I still dislike this Akerfeldt's throwback experiment that's been going on for about five years now, but out of those three albums,
Sorceress is definitely my favourite. If only for that progression of those first three tracks... It's really, really cool, even heavy from time to time and I can't get enough of it. I even have that 2CD edition, however I still haven't managed to listen to the bonus disc.
I'm misusing a loophole here, because this is a 2016 reissue of a 2012 reedition, but it still fits and I wanted to recommend it. The Steven Wilson remixes on CD 2 are actually pretty interesting, changing the sound significantly (especially Lake's vocals), but still maintaining the spirit of the original.
Megadave really overdid himself and put out this killer of a record. Purely subjectively, it just might be their best since
Rust, or at least
Endgame. Very enjoyable, very catchy, appropriately heavy - this sounds like the band know what they're doing and enjoying it fully. Not a seminal record by any means (well,
Jomsviking ain't too, right?), but a well done metal album. Definitely better than
Hardwired, though I like that one too.
I've been a huge fan of Theocracy since I've discovered them earlier this year (and I'm still completely crazy about
As the World Bleeds) so this one was a must. At first, I was kind of shocked - they got rid almost completely of the prog tendencies and this here album is mostly just Christian (technical) power metal. But this streamlining actually becomes them. I still prefer those earlier albums, but these songs are short, to the point and catchy.
Too catchy, maybe, from time to time, but the band is still undeniably talented. And it's not as if there are no prog influences whatsoever (the album closer, Easter, would actually fit seamlessly on the previous album, IMHO).
Honorable mentions go to
Whether you love DT or hate their guts, and whether you'll like this one or stomp on it like an enraged Cyberdemon, this is a must, IMHO. Have you ever heard a prog metal band putting out a half-Lloyd Webber, half-Morricone double album about princesses and round Skrillex bots? Have you ever heard a metal vocalist over 50 sincerely trying to pretend he's a 15 year old girl? Have you ever heard blast beats under a marching band tune?
My own feelings are on a rollercoaster for the whole time the album's been out, but they're still mostly positive. The album is completely over the top, but indispensable all the same.
I'll post more if anything else crosses my mind. Still not sure whether to include the new Epica and the new Metallica.

At least the latter needs more listens, definitely.